Page 93 of Nightmare

“Got her.” Mac says, “Motherfucker was stupid enough to use his real name for the reservation.” Then he’s shoving the phone at me.

I stare at it, her location pinging.

Of course, this motherfucking pretty, rich boy is at the Four Seasons.

Mac found my girl, down to the floor and room number.

“Let’s go.” I say. Then we’re all moving, running through the rush hour traffic in complete silence.

Summer is next to me, her tears subsided, a look on her face like she might kill someone with her bare hands. I give her a look, her eyes finding mine, and she nods as if to saywe’ll get her back.

Damn straight we will.

Gone are the thoughts of my hands aching, my back tight, my blood pumping too quickly. I just need to see her to make sure she’s okay, then I need to send Brody to an early fucking grave.

Because me?

I’m the fucking killer.

* * *

The lobbyto the Four Seasons is quiet, a couple of women at the front desk typing away on computers, but apart from that it’s fairly empty.

We creep through, keeping our steps light to keep the attention off of us as we find the elevators that lead to the rooms upstairs. I press the button, taking a breath, bouncing back and forth on the balls of my feet.

The elevator doors open, the four of us stepping into the box in silence, no one making a noise until the doors slide shut and we’re closed off from the rest of the world again.

“What’s the plan?” Mac asks, his gaze finding mine.

“You keep Summer out in the hall, I’m going in and I’m ending this.” I say coolly, and he tips his head in answer.

“And me?” Jax asks, his arms wrapped around Summer’s waist like he’s holding her in place, trying to make sure she doesn’t disappear into thin air.

“You come in with me. We assess the situation, and you get Olivia out of there.” I meet his face with determined eyes, and he nods.

The elevator slows, coming to a stop at the 23rdfloor, so I take a step towards the door in anticipation.

They open slowly, too fucking slowly, then we’re all creeping on quiet feet until we reach the room number we’re looking for.2303.

I press an ear to the door, testing if I can hear anything from the inside. It’s silent. I take a step back, turn my head from side to side to see if anyone is in the hall with us, then once I give him the go ahead, Jax steps forward to start picking the lock with skilled hands.

Once we hear the sound of the lock clicking, Jax takes a step back, letting me take the lead.

I step into the suite, Jax on my heels, reaching into the waistband of my pants to pull out the gun I slipped into it before I left my apartment. I flick the safety off then hear noises from the door across the large living room space.

I’m running before I can even think about what I’m doing.

My vision spots when I see what’s waiting for me behind the door.

My girl, beautiful and broken, spread out on the bed. Arms and legs tied, the rope wrapped underneath the bed frame to keep her pressed against the mattress.

My stomach turns, bile rising in my throat. Brody meets my stare from where I’m frozen in place just inside the door, his black and blue face contorting into a mix of surprise and rage.

The hand he has running through her hair tightens, then pulls her head up off the bed so I can see her face. She’s asleep, drugged probably, unaware of what’s happening.

I move.

Rushing him, ripping his hold off of her, then I throw him onto the floor where he belongs, pressing a foot to his throat to keep him in place. I tip a head to Jax, and he starts unwrapping the rope from Olivia’s body at my signal, freeing her and pulling her into his arms honeymoon style.