Page 102 of Nightmare

She groans as she slips into the seat next to me, making me chuckle, “Could you drop thewoe is meact and just admit you’re excited?”

She laughs as she tucks her legs underneath her on the sofa, “Shut up.”

I sent Summer, Jax and Mac to my apartment so Olivia could have the privacy she needs to perfect her piece. I didn’t want to put any unneeded pressure on her at this point in rehearsal.

I wiggle my eyebrows at her, “Did you pick a song?”

She nods. I blink a few times expecting her to tell mewhatsong she picked, but she doesn’t say anything. I slide a hand onto her thigh, turning away from my computer, then press my lips together as I study her face. “What is it, pretty girl?”

She shrugs, “I’m nervous.”

Her gaze falls to her lap, and I press a finger under her chin to bring it back to me, “Hey,” I breathe, “It’s just you and me, baby. You practice a little, get your blood pumping, and if by Monday you don’t want to do it – don’t do it. But you’ll always regret it if you don’t try.”

She sighs, her lips pulling up at the side a little bit, then she nods at me.

I press a quick kiss to her plump lips, then turn back to my laptop, “So, what song?”

She swallows, then stands up and walks back to her bedroom leaving me confused.

She comes back a few seconds later, an acoustic guitar strapped to her side, and pulls a barstool into the middle of the living room. She takes a seat, propping her feet on the legs, then clears her throat before her eyes find mine across the room and she finally speaks.

“Here we go.”

Chapter Forty-Nine


My voice shakeson the first run through, nerves filling my veins like a toxin. But as soon as I wrap the song, I start another – not giving myself even a second to back out.

By the third song, I’m feeling more comfortable and tapping my foot on the leg to the stool I’m perched on.

I find Travis’s eyes across the room on the final note, and the lump in my throat forms again. I clear my throat then pull my guitar off my lap to put it up against the wall next to me.

“So?” I ask, nervous for the answer.

He stands, rushing me, his arms sliding underneath mine to lift me. He spins me around a few times, “My girlfriend is going to be famous!”

I laugh, my chest warming, “Oh my god, put me down!”

I can’t help the laughter that continues, and by the time he drops me back on my feet my head is swimming. He pulls back, holding me at arm’s length, giving me a huge grin, “Pretty girl!”

I laugh again, “Yes, pretty boy?”

He cringes, “No. Just, no. But wow! Your voice!” His face is going red, and he can’t seem to stop smiling. “You’re going to blow them away!”

“Really?” I ask, feeling insecure again, so he rolls his eyes at me. I laugh again, “Which song do you think was the best?”

He points a finger at me, “I’m not going to lie, baby. I didn’t know any of them, but the second one was just – “ He presses his fingers to his lips to mimics a chef’s kiss, “Brilliant.”

“Are you kidding me?!” I squeal, his eyes bugging out at the sudden loudness of my voice, “That was Ariana Grande! I can’t sing like her!”

My blood fizzes through my entire body, and he laughs at me. “Well, whoever it was, you did it better.”

I stick my tongue out and blow, “You’re high if you think I sound better than Queen Ari.”

* * *

The rest of the day,and the following Sunday are spent singing, dancing, and practicing how to have a conversation without the F-bomb. The last part was Summer’s idea, she says I’ve started to‘swear like a goddamn drunk sailor.’