Rather than escape, I went back into Daksh’s room. Not because I wanted to. However, mention of my potions had me wanting to concoct a few. I also wanted to ponder on something that had happened to me when making potions that made no sense at the time.

As I stared upon my nicely labelled bottles, I recalled the incident. I’d been mixing together some of my sleep and compulsion compounds using some freshly delivered ingredients. I’d measured, ground, and sifted the recipes before I prayed over them. I used them that same night, only to realize after that the shop had mistakenly labeled two of my herbs. And yet my potions, with the wrong ingredients, still worked.

What if the intent was more important than the ingredients? Which led me back to what Daksh claimed. That my prayer was actually magic.

The door swung open, revealing the edge of a tray before the person bearing it. The King had returned with the promised food.

I groaned. “It’s like you want to make the rumors worse.”

He wore a partial smile as he set down the well-stocked tray. “You mean the one that has us married and madly in love?”

“It’s ridiculous. No one is going to believe that,” I grumbled.

“Why not? I’m told it’s quite romantic.”

I rolled my eyes, the only thing he could see of my face. “Except that’s not the king your people know.”

“Perhaps love has changed me.”

I snorted. “You’re not the type to lose his head to emotion. And surely by now, given how long I’ve been hidden in this room, people are starting to wonder about your supposed bride.”

“They’re assuming it’s so I don’t have to share your revealed beauty, you know, on account of my jealousy.”

“You don’t strike me as the jealous type.”

“Don’t be so sure.” He offered me a piece of fruit. “Take off the veil and eat.”

“I can eat fine with it on.”

“Take it off.”

“Make me.”

The moment it emerged from my mouth, I regretted it. Because it really wasn’t a fair battle. He wrapped an arm around me, pinning me against him, while his other hand tugged the veil free, leaving me tousled and annoyed.

He smiled. “That’s better.”

“You do realize you don’t have a right to do that. We’re not actually married.”

“It’s an archaic tradition.”

“Do I have to explain again it’s for my safety?”

“We’re alone. It’s not necessary. Eat.” He snatched a piece of fruit and pushed it against my lips. Hungry, I took it and made sure to nip his fingers as I did.

As I kept chewing and swallowing the choice pieces he hand-fed me, I remained realistic. “Your people are going to be angry when they find out you’re not married and I’m just a tizana you’re toying with.”

“Why would they find out?”

“Because I can’t hide in your room forever.”

“No one has ever seen your face, which means you could be a princess from a far-off land for all they know.”

“Not with my coloring.” My hot retort.

“A noble woman then, whose home was overrun by monsters.”

“You have an answer for everything,” I grumbled.