“You had a dream,” I repeated.

“Yes.” He held his head high, but I’d have sworn, despite a lack of ruddy color in his cheeks, that he was embarrassed.

“You do realize how crazy that sounds?”



“And it’s not the first instance I’ve had a prophetic dream. The first time, I didn’t act and paid the price.”

“What did you dream of?”

“My mother dying. A stupid thing. An accident where she tripped. She’d had a few cups of wine to celebrate her birthday. I should have escorted her to her room and put her to bed. Instead, she fell and cracked her neck.”

A hand flew to my mouth.” Oh, Daksh, I’m so sorry.”

His shoulders rolled. “Me, too, because I could have stopped it. But I didn’t. I did, however, stop the assassin who came after my king.”

“Don’t you mean your father?”

“That wasn’t something I was ever allowed to call him.”

“That seems cruel.”

“My tutor explained it as my father eschewing personal attachment, given I was his fourth heir. The other three died.”

“I never knew.” I’d thought the old king had only the one heir.

“Because he kept our upbringing extremely private. No birth announcements or updates of any sort. I never met my brothers and couldn’t tell you their names. Father kept them secret so we couldn’t be targeted.”

“Wouldn’t not having a name make you more of a target?”

“You misunderstand. People knew my name was Daksh. They were just unaware of my parentage. Keep in mind, few people saw or knew of me. My tutors were sworn to secrecy, and I didn’t leave the northern spire of the castle until my teens.”

“That sounds lonely.”

He shrugged. “There was no time to be lonely with my studies and training.”

“These dreams you have, you can change their outcomes when they come to pass?”

“To a certain extent. Sometimes, there is no counter move that stops an event from happening.”

“And you believe you’ve dreamed of the source of monsters?”

“Yes. In it, we’re going on a trip.”

“We? You always knew you’d have companions?”

His lips quirked. “Yes, although only one face was clear.”

At his stare, I lost the ability to reply. It took me a moment to ask, “When did you dream of my face?”

“A week before we first met.”

The reply floored me. If that was true, then I’d never had a hope of fooling him with my disguise. “You dreamed we’d go find the First Jewel?”
