“Yes. Plus his idiot giants, who will probably eat too much food. My triad is already complaining.”

“Your who?”

“You would know them as my three shadows.” He had to be referencing the soldiers I usually saw in his proximity.

“And they agreed with this?” I asked.

“Why wouldn’t they?”

“Because you’re king. You can’t just leave.”

“The people will never know. I’ve done it before. Why do you think I’m rarely seen unveiled?”

“But you can’t go now. The city is under attack.”

“And that won’t stop until we take care of the root cause.”

“You’re serious about this?”

“I am.”

“And exactly how long do you expect us to wander in the desert, looking for the source?”

“As long as it takes to find the First Jewel.”


My first impulse after the King’s declaration about finding the First Jewel?


He remained serious, his face a grim mask. So not a joke then.

I shook my head. “You can’t seriously think a long-ago ruined city holds the answer to the recent flourishing of monsters.”

“There are secrets in this world. Things hidden for a reason that have unfortunately been brought to light.”

My brow creased. “You speak as if you know what’s happened.”

“Not exactly. But I’ve been putting together some clues.”

“From?” I asked. If he had proof to his outlandish claim, I’d listen.

“Various sources.”

At my hard stare, he sighed. “Is it too much for you to just trust me?”

I snorted.

“I’ve been studying some of the older scrolls. They talk about the seven grand jewels, or cities, of the desert. Built centuries ago, although the who wasn’t made clear.”

“Did these scrolls also mention monsters?”


“Then why assume this First Jewel city, if it exists, is the source?”

“Because I had a dream,” he muttered.