“What is that supposed to mean?”

He glanced at me over his shoulder. “There is a grave danger coming.”

“Who else knows?”

“As of this moment? Me. You. Jrijori, even if he doesn’t know what to fear. I’m sure a few others suspect.”

I blinked. “Shouldn’t you be telling more people?”

“It would only cause a panic. And besides, I’m handling it.”

“How? By throwing soldiers at the problem?”

“I’ll admit, they’ve not been effective.”

“Maybe it’s time for a new strategy.”

“Maybe, but that’s for me to decide, not you, or anyone else for that matter. Now quiet, we don’t want to draw attention while in here.”

Going silent, I followed him, noticing pinpricks of light from holes in the wall. Peeks through them showed rooms beyond, castle rooms with people assuming privacy and being free with actions and words. One particularly naked scenario had me hurrying and almost bumping into the King.

He whispered, “There are no secrets here.”

I began to fear Jrijori and I had been overheard. It would explain why the King called me a spy. How much did he know? Would I be safe resuming my role at the gradeena, or would I have to find a new place? I really didn’t want to. This city had become my home.

As the twists and turns mounted, I began to understand what the King meant about getting lost. We travelled a fair distance, even having to climb up and down using old hand and footholds carved in stone. When we eventually exited, it was into a storage room filled with crates and urns.

The King glanced out the door before signaling me. I kept close to him as he maneuvered us past storage rooms before entering the massive kitchen. A few people startled at the sight of their king. Even more had to wonder why we were both soaking wet.

We entered the main hall, and we became even more of a spectacle. Especially since the King held my hand on his arm and ignored everyone as he escorted me to my room.

Escorted or made sure I didn’t escape?

At the door, I paused. “What’s going to happen to me now?”

“You tell me. Are you going to invite me inside?”

Without my potions and my cover blown? I arched a brow. “No.”

“Are you sure? I know you still have questions for me. Maybe if you’re good to me, I’ll answer them.”

My lips flattened. “This might surprise, but it was never my plan to seduce you.” I didn’t mention the part I’d have possibly left him thinking he had if my potions worked.

“And yet you kissed me like you would. An act, I suppose.” He reached out and brushed knuckles down my cheek.

I shivered, not because of my damp clothes, either. “Shouldn’t you be hunting down whoever took aim at you?”

“No need. I know exactly who it was.”

By dinner time, everyone did.

The widow Klow hung herself, leaving behind a note taking credit for attempting to kill the King.


The King didn’t attend dinner, but he ensured I did, escorted there by one of his soldiers.

I spent most of it quiet and watching. Much of the chatter revolved around the widow and how most had expected her to snap. None were surprised it happened, just that the King hadn’t acted before she’d made the attempt.