“A king of the desert is no different than the one from Weztroga or on the ocean. They are all men who still have to eat, piss, and sleep.”

“You don’t believe we are divinely chosen?”

I snorted. “Sorry, but no. You got the title because your father squirted into a woman who birthed you naked and squalling to the kingdom.”


“Truth. You did nothing to earn your position.”

“Neither did you.”

“I’ve done more to earn it than you have, I’ll wager.” I could have bitten my tongue.

But the King laughed. “If you only knew.” Before I could ask him to explain, one of his veiled soldiers arrived and leaned close to whisper in his ear. He stood. “If you’ll excuse me. I am needed elsewhere.”

Disappointment deflated me, and I reminded myself to not let it show. I grabbed my wine and lifted it. “Have fun.”

The King left, but I remained observing, even dancing, using that time to draw out vague bits of information. People indeed did speak of me but not all in the negative as I feared. Some thought me a foreign poacher, but others thought an alliance with Weztroga would prove beneficial.

Eventually, when it became clear the King wouldn’t return, I chose to adjourn. I passed a couple in the shadows of a column.

A low masculine murmur was replied to with purring laughter. It drew my glance, and I saw the distinctive silver flash of the gown the widow wore to dinner.

But the bigger surprise was who she had her arms draped around.



Ithought about marching over and asking Oriz why he’d abandoned us after the monster battle. Then again, what did it matter? He owed me nothing. I didn’t know him. Although I found it interesting he was in the castle. How had he gotten past the guards? If invited, I would have expected to see him at dinner, not skulking in corners with a horny widow.

The stairs to my floor remained empty of people, and those circling up past my level didn’t have guards for once. Called away? Didn’t matter. It was too good an opportunity. I skipped up the steps rather than go to my room.

The next floor had a similar vestibule to mine, the doors all wide open. Nothing to guard. It was one more level up that things got odd.

For one, there was a massive door with a bar on the outside as if meant to keep something in. It worked better when closed, I should add. Instead, the portal stood ajar. I quietly peeked inside to see a hallway. The item of shock? The blood on the floor. I saw no body and, yet, had to wonder where the puddle of fluids came from because it was wet and fresh.

“What are you doing here?” I almost jumped out of my skin as the King spoke from behind me.

I whirled. “I was curious.” The honest truth. “I noticed the guards weren’t on the stairs and went exploring.” Then because I’d be dumb not to, I pointed. “Whose blood is that?”

“A dead man.” He stood to the side of the door. “I’ll escort you to your room.”

“To lock me in?”

“No. Although I would advise against wandering into places you shouldn’t. It can be hazardous to your health.”

“You know what else is hazardous to health? Secrets. You’re hiding something.”

“Oh, and pray tell what makes you say that, stranger who’s been here less than a day?” His tone mocked, and his expression appeared bored.

“Woman’s intuition.” Which was also true. Something about the King rang slightly off.

He escorted me to my room, keeping enough space between us that I couldn’t use my ring with its potion inside without coming across as odd.

He remained quiet, and I had to think fast before we parted ways. “Did you attend your business?”

“I still was when I came across you in places you shouldn’t poke your nose.”