“Proving the point that you’re making sure people know we’re here.”

“How, when Stol kept them from seeing?”

I stared at Stol, who inched slowly back down. “You, what did you say when people asked to use the stairs?”

Stol shifted.

The King sighed. “Tell her.”

“To go use the other side.”

I eyed the King. “Everyone in there now knows you’re in the stairs, so when we emerge together, all those women who came to showcase their wares are going to be mad.”

“I’ve made no promise to anyone. I’ll speak with whomever I want.”

“They’ll think you’re interested in me.”

“I am.” He smiled.

It thrilled me and not just because of the connection forming between us—without any drugs.

“Your people won’t be happy about that.” My mouth ran away before I could stop it. Why did I try to talk him out of being with me?

“Would you prefer I enter alone and seat you elsewhere than at my table?”

“No.” Once more I spoke the truth.

“You’re interesting, Sharia of Weztroga.”

“You know, most women prefer to be told they’re beautiful.”

“Beauty is fleeting. I am at a time in my life where I prefer a little more substance.”

“Then you’ll be disappointed in a few prospects.” I bit my lip too late.

He laughed. “Oh, I’d say that describes most of them. Here thinking they can lisp and bat their lashes to win me over.”

“You don’t want to be fawned over?”

“It’s tiresome.”

I blinked. “Poor little king. Everyone wants to please him.”

“You don’t.”

“You’re not my king.” It felt almost wrong to say it.

“What if I could be?” He stepped closer to me, but I held my ground and glanced up to keep his gaze.

“I could never be your queen.” Sharia wasn’t real, and once she disappeared, I’d be a tizana again. Suitable for a harem, never a wife.

“Probably not, but we could pretend for a night.”

Maybe if he’d not given me that boyish grin, I could have refused. But the mischief in it had me replying in turn. “Maybe I should have changed into another of those belly-baring outfits.”

“No guarantee we’d make it to dinner if you did.” He held out the crook of his arm. “Shall we give them something to gossip about?”

I nodded, even as a part of me chilled with fear. All eyes would be on me when we entered. Would my disguise hold? What if the monster saliva decayed the potion keeping my true features hidden? I didn’t even want to contemplate what would happen if I reverted to my usual self in front of a crowd. Escape would be impossible.