I lifted my chin. “Calm down, old woman.” Said on purpose to tweak her. “We both know you’d rather cuddle under a blanket drinking wine.”

“You forgot the eating of those sweet nuts I like.”

I rolled my eyes. While she’d be lounging and nibbling, I’d be trying to make our country’s ruler fall in love with me and spill his secrets.


The present in the Seventh Jewel City.

The preparation involvedin becoming a Weztrogian proved annoying. The prep work took place in a tent we’d erected several hours outside of town. It involved Qynn painting me with noxious fluids and much praying to Rotha until I had pale skin that would, most likely, painfully ignite in the sun. I would swear even the lantern light burned it a little. The cream in my hair left it bleached of color, with a hint of yellow. After some drops, a glance into a mirror showed eyes of an intense blue.


“I look hideous.” My face, yet not at the same time. The change was more jarring than expected.

“Fishing for compliments?” Qynn packed her things. She’d be leaving shortly with Palla and Kya. They planned to spend the night at some lord’s compound before returning to the city with a servant they’d borrow from the lord. My departure being covered.

“More like needing some kind of reassurance I won’t cause the King to ban me from sight for being ugly.”

“You’re being dramatic. You’ve met Weztrogians before.”

“Men. Not their women. How am I supposed to emulate one?” Michaelo, one of the gradeena guards when I was younger, taught me the swear words and cadence of speech common to the south. Meaning I could at least emulate their accent.

“You’ll have the ride back to the city to figure it out. Your Weztrogian escort will be arriving shortly.”

“How did you find enough foreigners to pull this off?” And when did she have the time to organize?

“I didn’t have to find anyone. The Weztrogians set out with Jrijori as part of his official embassy, but he got impatient and rode ahead.”

“Wait, he’s actually there as a real ambassador?”

“His daughter is, after all, a queen.”

It boggled my mind. But at the same time, this would help. Jrijori wasn’t faking his part. One less set of lies to worry about.

“Do these Weztrogians know about me?” I asked next.

“Not yet. I have a letter.” Qynn held it up.

“With instructions to burn it when done?” I didn’t want any kind of evidence to give me away. The King might be a fair and just one, but he still hung those who broke the laws. Pretty sure that getting close to him for the purpose of spying broke some kind of rule.

“Don’t worry. Jrijori wouldn’t pair you with idiots. I think.”

“Meaning what?”

Qynn shrugged as she slung her satchel over her head and drew up the hood of her robe. “Meaning I’ve met some of those frost giants in the past. They’re a rambunctious group but also loyal to a fault. If they’re here with Jrijori, then that means they probably have orders to keep him safe.”

“Even against the King?”

“Did you not listen to your history lessons? Weztrogians love to fight. Their biggest gripe is usually that there’s not enough war.”

It didn’t exactly reassure me about the people I’d soon be trusting my life with.

“You look pretty. You’ve got this.” Palla always cheered me on.

“Trade spots?” I offered

Palla recoiled. “No thanks. I’d likely skewer the first person who stared at me.”