“Why would I overspend?” Those kinds of weapons were rare and precious, especially once it became known only an elekium blade could slice through the skin of a gigamander—the giant lizards that had killed my family—or its stony, oversized cousin, the rock scorpion. They’d begun appearing in the last few years, because giant reptiles weren’t enough of a problem.

Since both those monsters preferred the desert, I just avoided the place. The Seventh Jewel, the capital city of Ulkruuba, was constructed entirely of stone. My current home was good enough for me.

“The old powers are waking and with them their pets. It would be wise for you to be prepared.”

I blinked at Jrijori. “What?”

Palla chose that moment to enter, holding a tray of food and drink for me. Her eyes widened. “How did you get in? Dammit.” Palla cursed a foul streak as she set down my repast and then hugged Jrijori. One of the few men she actually liked.

“My fair Palla, you are as strong as ever,” chuckled the mostly serious assassin.

“Where have you been? It’s been ages!” Palla exclaimed, ignoring me to flirt with her crush. Never mind the age difference or the fact Jrijori saw her as a daughter, Palla adored the man who could kill in a thousand and one ways.

“Our kingdom went through some changes in leadership recently. The emperor died, his daughter took over—the real one, not one of the bastards his wife tried to pass off as his. Plus, one of his actual illegitimate daughters married the Barbarian King to the southwest.”

“The Weztrogian?” Palla asked. She knew her geography because she often studied maps. She liked to talk about ancient battles that bored me since they were old and not news of the day.

“Yes. King Konstantin wed and already has an heir.”

“What of your daughter?” Palla asked. Every single visit, she asked for stories of Ilyana, the girl who’d followed in her father’s assassin footsteps.

“Ilyana is not sure if she likes being a queen. But that’s what happens when you marry a barbarian.”

It took me a moment to connect his words. “Hold on, she’s the emperor’s bastard daughter?”

Jrijori grinned. “She is and now also the proud mama of a little girl who might just inherit two kingdoms.”

“Making you what?” I asked.

The question led to a grimace from Jrijori. “Bored, because apparently, the adopted father of the queen can’t go around taking contracts and killing people.”

“Maybe it’s time to retire?”

“Tried that.” He grimaced. “My rear got too sore from sitting all the time.”

“And so you rode a horse across the desert alone—”

“Actually, I had companions, but they are checking out something a few days out. They’ll join me shortly.”

“Since when do you have companions?”

“Usually, I don’t, but they were bored too, and Weztrogians are entertaining.”

Also extremely large. We didn’t see many of them here, as we were far from their kingdom.

“Why are you here?” I asked. “Did no one tell you Qynn retired?”

“I probably knew before you did,” he boasted. “And I’m here on her recommendation.” Jrijori leaned forward. “I need you to spy on someone for me.”


“The King.”


About fifteen years ago…

I’d beenwith Qynn for several years the first time she used me as her eyes and ears. Not because she wanted to but because I offered and she didn’t have much other choice.