Wasn’t sure how to magic that away. Could I make my body fireproof? I’d be roasted if I tried and failed.

“Why not give Zuun to one of his pets instead?” I threw it out as an option that received immediate rejection.

Oriz snorted. “As if a being of his power wants to settle for a dumb animal.”

The dragons crowded, their movements oddly sinuous as they weaved closer, bobbing their heads and upper bodies.

“They won’t hurt you so long as you don’t try and escape,” Oriz taunted.

Despite the claim, I took a step back.

Back toward the center of the fountain and the hole that waited for a misstep. The dragons kept coming, and I tried to delay for no other reason than I didn’t want to die yet.

“How did Zuun get stuck down the shaft in the first place?”

“Because he was betrayed by those who served him. They found a way to strip his fleshy body from his jewel. They buried it in the one place no one could go. Down a deep shaft filled with water, too deep for anyone to fetch.”

“There’s no water now. Where did it go?”

“You’re stalling.” He saw through my ploy.

“And you’re not thinking clearly. What if this Zuun comes back and decides to kill everyone?”

“Sacrifices must sometimes be made.”

His gaze flickered over my shoulder, the only reason I knew to throw myself to the side. A good thing too. A dragon had snuck up and tried to push me into the hole. The others closed in, tightening around me and Oriz in a circle that drew closer.

Oriz frowned as he tried to step out of the noose of dragons, and they hissed.

“Seems like your ifrit still wants your body.” Yeah, I taunted.

“Not if I give him yours first.”

He lunged and grabbed me, a firm grip on one arm, slippery on the other. I snapped free but had nowhere to go. The dragons hemmed us. It wouldn’t be long before one of us fell into the hole.

A voice ululated, a battle cry that sounded a lot like, “For the kingdom!” The yodeling was echoed by other voices. It didn’t just draw my attention. Oriz appeared surprised as my friends suddenly appeared and engaged the dragons.

Most elating of all? Daksh was with them.


Knowing I wasn’t alone, that I stood a chance, spurred me. As Oriz disengaged from our scuffle, I lunged and grabbed hold of him.

Sleep.I put effort into the intent.

Oriz went limp. I was about to sigh in relief when he suddenly moved and cracked his head against mine. I’d forgotten about his talisman to ward off magic.

Ow. The dazed pain had me staggering, and my feet teetered on the edge of the well.

Oriz stood in front of me smirking. He was going to push me. And I didn’t know how to stop myself from falling.

Which is when the sword plunged through Oriz from behind. His eyes widened, and his jaw dropped. He clutched at the blade as if he could stop it from cutting. I saw all this as I teetered. Oriz took a step in my direction and reached. He never touched me, and yet I jerked. Started to fall—

Daksh was suddenly there, yanking me to safety. I heaved a deep breath which was when Oriz dropped his arms and stood on the lip. Blood bubbled at his lips as he smiled.

He was going to jump, and I couldn’t stop it. I tried anyhow, reaching for him as I yelled, “Don’t let him fall.”

Oriz stepped into the hole and dropped.