“The biggest fool most likely.” I insulted, and Oriz reacted, moving faster than I expected. He lunged for me, and while I tried to dodge, I got caught on the fountain lip. I fell into the basin and then slid, as if dragged by gravity on a flat surface.

The very unnatural nature of it could only be magic. Once I realized it, I could see the tendrils of it coming from the shaft. Not the blue-green I’d gotten used to but orange, like that in the monsters’ eyes. The more worrisome thing? If I didn’t stop it, I’d get dragged into the well.

I fought back. Remembering what I’d done with my chains, I touched my garments and prayed,Repel magic.Basic but the only thing I could think of. It instantly worked, and I halted abruptly.

Whatever was down there wasn’t about to stop, though. It whispered inside my head next.

I’ll give you anything you want.

How about not talking in my mind for starters?

If not you, then give me the male. I’d prefer his shape. Although with your blood, you’ll make a suitable breeder for spares.

My gorge rose. My gaze flicked to Oriz, who headed for me. I would find no mercy with him.

I scrabbled to my feet, moving away from the well. “How did you even know this was here?”

“I could hear the snippets of messages his monster messengers carried. Zuun promised me power and wealth if I freed him.”

“Most people would ignore spooky voices.” I’d reached the lip on the opposite side from Oriz.

“I am not most people. Still, I wandered for a while before I stumbled across the First Jewel. It hadn’t just sunk, magic kept people away. Magic that didn’t affect me.” He grabbed the talisman dangling from his neck.

“What happened after you found it?”

“As if you can’t guess. Zuun wanted my body only I wasn’t willing to sacrifice myself.”

“So you thought you’d offer someone else, how kind of you,” my sarcastic retort.

“Not just anyone. Zuun promised me riches if I brought someone with the old blood. Even better if I found someone who already held a lofty position to ease his transition back into the world.”

Zuun wanted someone with magic and influence. My eyes widened. “He wants the King.”

“He did, and yet no matter how many monsters we sent out on the attack, we couldn’t convince the damnable King to leave his precious fortress. It didn’t help that the widow tried to kill him instead of whispering in his ear as commanded.”

“Wait, you’re the reason she attacked Daksh?”

“She was supposed to talk him into avenging the death of her husband. It would have been the perfect spot for an ambush. Instead, she almost ruined everything. Luckily, the map I planted in his library and the rumor of tunnels gave him the idea to come looking on his own. How lucky you got split from your party. It made it easier to shadow you and step in when the moment proved right.”

“And yet you took me.”

“The King isn’t the only one with old blood running through his veins.” He smirked.

It wasn’t just Oriz who felt a need to blab. Inside my head, Zuun wouldn’t stop yammering. I did my best to ignore that insidious whispering. “Zuun isn’t happy you brought me. Says he asked for a male.”

Rather than display shock or anger, Oriz smirked. “I’m aware. However, a female suits me better. After all, everyone knows the male in a partnership is the more powerful.”

Rude, even if a true thing to say. In our country, the men wielded more rights and power. In public at least. I knew, in private, that sometimes differed.

He crossed his arms. “And it appears you are out of time. You should have let me do it gently. Now you’ll have to deal with his pets.”

What? I whirled to see what he meant. I saw nothing between the arches other than dusty stone. I looked in the wrong place. The threat came from the air.

Dragons coasted in, snapping their wings tight as they landed. At four, I ceased counting. I stopped moving even as they stalked me. A large one had its orange eyes fixed on me. More than one opened their maws to hiss.

Not good.

And Oriz wasn’t helping but rather mocking. “Be warned. They do breathe fire.” Indeed, one of them opened its mouth and spat tiny flames.