And, for the first time, I was ready to admit, “I don’t want to lose you either.”

Our kiss cemented the promise, a meld of flesh and hot breaths that led to us fumbling clothes by the side of the road for quick sex.

It left me crying out his name and him burrowing his face in the crook of my neck. I could have stayed locked in his arms forever, but we had a dinner to attend.

“We have to go back,” I said as I righted my damp clothes.

His lips twisted. “Or we could ride west and not stop until we reach my home.”

“And leave the grand vizier alive to harm more people?”

“Don’t you throw logic at me.” He raked fingers through his short hair.

“You know I’m right. We’ll never get a better chance. But if it makes you feel better, I won’t make you go through with the wedding. Chances are, with the grand vizier dead, the emperor will be less likely to attack.”

“What happened to me ruling both countries?”

“If that’s what you want, then we’ll find a way.”

“Or we could devote more time to hunting dragons.”

What a concept, using my skills to feed and protect people rather than kill them.

He cupped my face. “My revenge isn’t worth your life.”

Except this wasn’t just his revenge anymore. I had a score to settle. But I didn’t dare tell him. The idiot Barbarian would probably try and bring the grand vizier’s head to me as a gift.

We rode back together, me on the back for once, holding on to his waist. I’d already warned him we shouldn’t arrive together. The grand vizier thought me dead. It would give us an element of surprise to keep him thinking that, hence why I had Konstantin drop me in a wooded area before the road curved and headed into the town.

He kissed me hard and murmured, “Be careful.”

Did he know what I planned? I’d told him I’d meet him in our chambers tonight. What I didn’t tell him was the grand vizier would be dead.

Eventually, I sauntered back to town, filching a cloak from a drying line on my way. The guards let me pass without problem, too busy whispering among each other. I kept to the smaller streets just in case the hood of the cloak wasn’t enough of a disguise. As I passed open windows, and small groups, I couldn’t help but catch buzzes of excitement.

“…arrested him. After he killed ten men!”

“Not surprised he killed her. Eastern slut.”

Wait, who were they talking about?

The temple was impossible to enter, as the gate had been closed. Soldiers in full armor stood before it, and a crowd had formed, murmuring and looking violent.

I had to know. I tugged the sleeve of a man, who muttered, “How dare they.”

“What’s happened?”

“The priests have taken the king prisoner. They’re saying he killed the emperor’s daughter.”


I knew Konstantin was innocent.How could he have murdered Zariina Zasha when he’d raced to find me—or had he done it before?

Didn’t matter. I wasn’t about to let him stay a prisoner.

I asked questions of a few more people who were gossiping in the street. That netted little extra information. No one knew exactly what had happened, although rumor was they’d found her corpse in his room. Opinions were mixed on what would happen next.

I stood on the west side of the temple. The side where people might live far from the capital but still respected their king. Loved him. They weren’t happy with how things had transpired, especially since the guards waited until the king entered the temple and relinquished his arms to arrest him.