“Maybe it’s time for a career change.”

“That’s it.” Jrijori rose from the chair. “I’m eliminating this king of yours. He’s obviously corrupted your mind. Where is he?”

“You’re not killing him.”

“Why not? Not only is there a large sum being offered for his death but I’d derive great pleasure in ending his life,” Jrijori snapped.

I put myself in his path. “Leave Konstantin alone.” We stood, nose to nose, which is how the Barbarian King found us. Not knowing the situation, he did one of his blurry moves and had Jrijori on the ground with his sword to his neck.


To say we were surprised—webeing me and Jrijori—to see my father on the floor and an angry king ready to finish him was an understatement. I’d never seen anyone best Jrijori. I almost applauded.

“Don’t kill him!” I shouted. It was a command to them both. While the king might appear to have the advantage, my father wouldn’t be happy about this turn of events.

“He threatened you,” my barbarian hissed, looking utterly savage and uncompromising.

Jrijori appeared calm. Too calm. This wouldn’t end well, which was why I blurted out, “You can’t cut his throat. He’s my father.”

An admission that did nothing to soothe Konstantin. “Not a very good one. He doesn’t get to come into my home and threaten my little Yanna.”

Little Yanna?Jrijori mouthed, but I was too busy convincing a king to spare his life.

“Jrijori would never hurt me. He thought you kidnapped me. I was just explaining the situation to him.”

“He snuck in rather than present himself.”

“A good thing he did because he saved my life.”

“Did he? Or did he supply the poison to the archer?” Konstantin countered.

To which Jrijori snorted. “Why would I give the bounty away to someone else?”

“Is that why you’re here? To assassinate me?”

“I was until my daughter informed me we’re now working for you.” Spoken with a scowl.

Konstantin eyed Jrijori, who had a flat expression as he took everything in. “How did you get into the castle without being noticed?”

“Easily. I can see why you hired my daughter. It’s a wonder you’re still alive. But I have to ask why you’d want to employ someone who tried to kill you. Especially since she failed.”

“Because she got close.” Konstantin offered a shrug and the same ridiculous answer as before.

“If she’d gotten close, you’d be dead. She never misses, which leads me to wonder, what did you do to Ilyana?” Jrijori’s query held a suspicious note.


“She looks terrible.” My father pointed to me.

I wanted to protest, but he had a point.

Konstantin held up his hands. “I know she does. I did my best. I never expected her to take an arrow meant for me. As for the bruises, she got those when she jumped off a cliff.”

“Fell!” I insisted.

“I am not talking about those injuries. I mean, what did you do here?” Jrijori tapped his temple. “She got close but didn’t kill you. And now she’s arguing to protect you instead. She’s never flipped on a job before.”

“Have you seen the size of him?” I muttered.