“You’ve been incredible.”
The words hung between us. Him serious. Me slightly panicking. That wasn’t the praise of an employer to his employee.
I could think of only one reason why a man would risk everything to save a woman. It would explain a lot, but I refused to believe it. The king was not enamored with me. I imagined it. Probably on account I smashed my head a few times in the river.
He stepped closer. I couldn’t breathe. I got uncomfortably hot, and my heart raced.
“What’s wrong, my little Yanna?” His hand lifted, as if he would touch me.
I ducked away and spun. “I need some air.” I headed for the stairs to the next level. “Don’t leave this room.”
I left him to go to the floor above, flinging open the trap door and sucking in a lungful of air. The open windows let in sunshine and freshness. I breathed deep and basked in the light of day, only to stiffen.
Konstantin had followed. “It’s a beautiful day.”
Beautiful view, too. He was backdropped against the blue sky and a dark ridge. From here, the edge of the ravine appeared both near and far.
“I can’t imagine why you don’t live here. The view is stunning.”
“My other home in the capital is more beautiful.”
“Hard to believe that.” I placed my hands on the sill opposite him and took in the panorama. On this side, I could see the road we’d travelled, currently occupied by an oxen-pulled cart, sitting lopsided as the driver crouched by a broken wheel.
Konstantin joined me and leaned in the window, forcing me to either move away or ignore his presence. I chose the latter.
Standing so near had its challenges. Especially since he wanted to talk.
“Being a king means there are many who pretend to be my friend. Especially my enemies.”
“And you’re telling me this because?”
“Because I understand it’s hard to trust. There are few people I’d give my life for and who would give theirs for me.”
“Says the man sacrificing his life for the slim possibility of peace.”
“Slim is better than none.”
“And only if you marry her. If it’s discovered you killed the grand vizier, married or not, it will for sure be war.”
“Maybe. But with him dead, at least it will be a war on equal footing.”
“Because of his supposed magic.” I smirked as I said it.
“You really have no idea,” he muttered.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Keeping secrets and yet you expect me to trust you,” I taunted.
“Would it help if I said I trust you.”
“Not really because it makes me question your judgment since we met because I was hired to kill you.”
“But didn’t.”
“Not for lack of trying.”