“I’m not little.”
“Have you grown since we met?”
“You are impossible.” I shoved out of his grip and stood, only to remember as the cloak slid down that I wore nothing but a long shirt. “Where are my clothes?”
“Tunic and pants are drying on the other side of the fire.”
“And my boots?”
“You only had one of those when I found you.”
“Not again,” I groaned.
“This has happened before?”
“Enough that it might be time I started buying boots in multiples so I can mix and match the lost ones.”
“Maybe instead you should abstain from jumping off high places into rivers.”
“I did not jump. The ravine edge broke.”
“I know. I got to watch you fall.” He stood and towered over me, wearing only his shirt and hauberk on his upper body. The chill evening wouldn’t be stopped by those.
I went to shift the cloak to him.
He glared. “Keep it.”
“You’ll get cold without it.”
“It’s my job to protect you.” A job I appeared to be failing at.
“I don’t need the cloak, but you do to keep your body temperature rising. Those waters are frigid. It’s a good thing you managed to make it to shore.”
I wrapped the warm fabric around my shoulders, his statement prompting me to ask, “How did you find me? You said you didn’t jump. Is there a ladder or some stairs?”
“Rappelled down.”
Knowing the height, I’d admit to being impressed. “How did you have a rope long enough?”
“We didn’t. A few of the crew had to race back to the castle to get the equipment.”
“You should have told them to bring a spare cloak so you wouldn’t catch cold.” A biting wind whistled past. “If your horde is here, we should borrow one from them.”
He snorted. “This isn’t cold.”
“Okay, Ice King.” Right now, with the firelight enhancing his features, he appeared more like the savage barbarian I’d expected.
“I see your wit is still intact.”
“Not the first time I’ve fallen off something high into water.” The closest I’d come to dying, though.
“Don’t do that again.”
The snort burst out. “Believe me, I don’t enjoy my impromptu swims.”
“Stay away from cliffs.”