The problem arose trying to hook the buttons in the back. I couldn’t reach them. He emerged, slick and with only a towel around his haunches.
I whirled.
“Need help?” he asked.
“Yes.” I stood still as his fingers brushed against me, looping the buttons. I tingled. In a good way. A way that would make things complicated.
“You look nice,” he said, moving away when done.
I put a hand to my chest. My heart raced like it hadn’t in forever. What was it about him that threw me off kilter?
The distinctive noise of fabric sliding onto a body kept me facing away.
“Anything I should know before we go down?” I asked.
“If anyone says anything rude to you, let me know.”
“Why?” I turned to see him almost done dressing.
“Because anyone who knows me would expect me to defend the honor of any woman I took to my bed.”
“Are you sure they’ll feel that way knowing you’re also just engaged?”
His lips quirked. “And none too happy about it, I’m sure. Not everyone is interested in peace. This vendetta has gone on for a few generations.”
“How did it start?”
“Legend says it was a love affair gone wrong and that’s when the world split and created the ravine.”
“And now a marriage will make everything right?” I didn’t mean to give it a skeptical lilt.
He rolled his shoulders. “My people are being hurt. What else can I do?”
I’ll admit I didn’t know much about the politics outside of Aluztha. It had been years since I cared, and I’d not been in Varyy long enough to get a full feel for the state of the world.
But I had known East and West hated each other. To find out it might have been over a relationship gone wrong seemed a pointless waste of lives.
“Shall we eat?”
I had my hand on his arm as we descended to join those gathered for the evening meal, which appeared to be everyone in the castle. All the tables were packed with people. The head table held the only free seats. No one seemed to think it odd I sat by the king’s side. Not one disparaging look veered my way, even as they knew their king would soon marry someone else. Even stranger, they treated me with courtesy and not as the slut I was pretending to be.
I leaned closer to whisper in his ear. Little did they know I didn’t offer naughty speech but a critique of his weak spots with the potential for harm.
When he dragged me onto his lap, I faked a giggle and a wiggle while hissing, “I don’t know how courtesans fake enjoying themselves every day.”
He chuckled and said, “Is it fake? I know I’m enjoying it.”
True. I could feel the hard interest against my backside.
“Don’t make me castrate you.”
“Then stop being so cute, my little Yanna.” He stood and managed to keep from dumping me to the floor. “Good night. I think it’s time I sought my bed,” he practically bellowed with his arm curved around me.
Everyone thought we’d be having sex. It didn’t help he leaned close and murmured, “Run and giggle when I chase you.”
Before I could ask why, he chuckled and grabbed my buttocks. I didn’t have to try hard to feign a squeal. I did not like being touched. Especially in public.
I sprinted from him, leading him a different way to his bedroom to foil anyone that might have lain in wait. He chased me, shouting teasing taunts like a lover would.