I gnashed my teeth as he opened a pair of grand doors and walked inside. I stopped as I took in the massive hall. Grand didn’t start to describe it with its stone columns and windows highly placed, bringing in the setting sunlight.

“Assign me a room nearby then. If you’re attacked, yell really loud and hold them at bay until I arrive to save you.”

“What if I’m asleep and don’t hear them?”

A good point. I eyed him. “If I have to share your room, it will cost you extra.”

“Of course.”

“And you’ll still tell people I’m your bodyguard. They’ll assume it’s your excuse to live openly with your mistress. People will underestimate me. Any assassins spying will think me an easy mark and not take me into account.”

“So now you’re agreeable to sleeping with me?”

“Sleeping in the same room. We won’t be sharing a bed,” I clarified.

“Are you sure? It is rather large.” He winked.

“If you say just like a certain part of you, I will make you into a eunuch.”

“What is this obsession with my male parts?”

I ignored his taunt. “I’m here to protect you. And let me make it clear now that, despite us sharing a room, we aren’t having sex.” I felt as if that should be said.

“Why not? Neither of us is a virgin.”

“You’re engaged.”

“To someone who’s face I’ve yet to see. And it hasn’t happened yet.”

“Sex would be distracting.”


No denial. “Which is why it’s no.”

“Does that mean I have to say no to other women?”

I fought the hot red flash of jealousy. “It might be best if you held off, or you’ll ruin my cover as your mistress.”

“Fear not, my little Yanna. I’d never cheat on my fake lover,” he mocked. “Come, let me show you around.”

His horde had dispersed in the big room, and a surge of people approached, ready to greet their king.

I stood to the side until he managed to fend them off. “Quick. We won’t have long before they expect me to make decisions.”

He’d told them he needed to wash off the dust of the road. He led me to his turret, which held the gallery he’d mentioned set with a few benches to sit and admire the art.

The doors could be closed and barred, meaning even if someone scaled the outside, they couldn’t get any farther. We went up the stone steps into his room, where I was further impressed by the massive metal hatch that could clang over the stairs.

“We’ll use that at night after I’ve cleared the area,” I declared, checking on the narrow slitted windows, too small for even me to slide through. The spiral staircase led to a cupola with massive open spaces, grooved in the middle. I ran my finger over the notch.

“For the ballista they used to have.”

“Shooting what? This faces the abyss.”

“If I said dragons—”

“I’d laugh. Because they don’t exist.”