“Then you’re denying the capacity of people to do evil for gain.” I changed direction. “How often do you come here?”
“Not often,” he admitted.
“Meaning you wouldn’t recognize a newcomer who might mean you harm.”
“Wouldn’t an assassin sneak in rather than join the castle citizens?”
“Depends on the job. If the security is too tight, then lulling people into a false sense of security is a good option.”
He shook his head, as if amused. “There are no assassins hiding as servants.”
“That you know of.”
He snorted. “You’re being paranoid.”
“You hired me to protect you. Did you not? Because someone got close to your mother. Someone you never expected. The next time they might not miss. Next time it could be you. Your future bride. Child…”
His lips pressed into a tight line. “Point taken.”
“You’re a man who knows how to fight the enemy in front of you, but the one you need to guard against is the one you don’t see coming.”
“A good thing I have my own assassin to protect me,” he said lightly.
People gathered and appeared happy to see him. No one angry or cringing in fear. Didn’t make him a good king. They just didn’t hate the man, who admitted he rarely visited.
As we crossed the courtyard, I noticed the walls of the castle around us were dotted with windows. It had four corners, but only two had towers, those facing the ravine itself.
“Do you have a designated place for sleep when you visit?”
“Yes.” He pointed in a direction that probably meant something to him.
“You should change it. Ideally, you should sleep in a different room every night, chosen at random.”
He snorted. “No. I will sleep in my usual room, which is comprised of the top two floors of the west turret.”
My lips pursed. “How many adjoining chambers?”
“The floor below the bedroom contains a family portrait gallery that can be closed off. Once you go up the stairs, it’s entirely taken up by my room. Above is a lookout with no other access than my room.”
“Sounds like it has defensive possibility but not great escape.”
“I’d rather fight than flee.”
“Which is what will probably kill you one day,” I said with a shake of my head. “We’ll assign someone to be in your room at night when you sleep. I’ll watch you during the day.”
“I can’t do that.”
“What do you mean you can’t?”
He grimaced. “I’ll look weak.”
“For needing protection?” I shook my head. “I’m confused. You hired me.”
“I did. I hired a cute and tiny assassin. My people will assume it’s a cover for the fact you’re my mistress.”
I whirled and jabbed him in the chest. “I don’t want to be known as your mistress.”
“Then I guess I sleep alone and hope for the best.”