“Are you claiming they dress you for free because they love you?”

“I don’t know if I’d call it love. More like respect. It’s how we do things.”

“I see what this is about. You’re telling me this because you want something from me. Hate to tell you but I don’t do free. All my services come with a price.”

“Name it.”

“You can’t afford me.”

His teeth flashed in a wide grin. “Are you sure of that?”

I almost smiled in reply then realized he flirted with me. A man engaged to another woman. “You must be so excited about your upcoming nuptials. I hear your bride is quite pretty.”

The comment killed his smile.

Point for the assassin.

He managed a stiff, “Zariina Zasha will make a fine wife. This alliance will be good for our countries.”

The lack of enthusiasm hit me hard. I almost winced in sympathy. It must be hard to have any kind of positive feeling, given his own bride avoided him.

“If it’s any consolation, I hear she has a lovely voice.”

“Hearing it would require us being in the same room.”

“Give her time. I’m sure she’s just nervous.” I couldn’t have said why I defended a stranger or why it curdled my gut to even say it.

“Enough. I didn’t come here to discuss my duty. Where’s the prize you plucked from the chaos you sowed yesterday?”

Way to dash my feminine preening. He’d come for the weapon, not me. “The sword is in the back. I’ve been cleaning it.”

“Bring it out.” He didn’t ask. He demanded. I let it pass because I wanted to show off my find.

I returned with the elekium sword, the blade shorter than the usual sword, slim, too, but sharp. The weight of it was just right, and as I held it aloft, I admired how the dark metal absorbed the light. The hilt merged into the blade, one piece, with a crisscross pattern to make sure the hand holding it didn’t slip. Beautiful craftmanship.

I placed it on the counter, and Konstantin leaned over it. “This is a nice find.”

“It’s rare to find a weapon forged with this much elekium,” I noted, wanting to snatch it back.

“How did you know it was elekium?” he asked while his finger traced it.

“I didn’t,” I lied. “More like a lucky guess. I saw an old sword handle and thought, why not check it out?” As if I would explain the tingle. He’d think me a little crazy.

“How much for it?”

“You want to buy it?”

“Why else would I ask for the price?”

“It’s not the right size for you.”

“Perhaps I want to gift it to someone.”

“It should belong to someone who will know how to use it.”

“Oh, I am fairly sure she knows how.” His lips curved. “How much?”

“I doubt your people will want to pay my price.”