“Don’t you assign the jobs?”

“First to bring back proof of a job done collects.”

Easy enough, only I’d not counted on a few things like other assassins trying to do the same thing. The first target, I actually completed the kill, but a duo claimed the credit and reward.

They didn’t keep it. Not that anyone knew. Their bodies would probably never be found.

The second job, I miscalculated the level of security around the object I was supposed to acquire. Me against an army? They weren’t paying enough.

The third job, I turned and walked away as I saw through the window a hint of armor. Soldiers baiting a trap.

Annoyed, I returned to the house to find Jrijori relaxing and reading a sheet of paper inscribed with the news. As if the stamped word were more accurate than the recount of an actual person who knew someone with a cousin who’d experienced the event.

The chair didn’t even creak as I flung myself into it.

“Aren’t you too old for the drama?” He glanced at me over the paper.

“Not when it suits the situation.” My lower lip jutted.

“Don’t tell me you failed again. Were you too slow?”

“I wasn’t too slow. The job tonight was an ambush by authorities. The one the previous night was not only too well guarded but the rooftop was covered in tar and ruined my new boots!” I’d had to shed them and walk home barefoot.

“Brilliant. I’m thinking of doing the same to ours.”

I blinked at him. “You’d better not. You know I love rooftops.”

“But in this place, they don’t love you. Feoria isn’t like the cities you got lazy in.”

“Aluztha used to have bad people.”

“And then we killed them all. Now we’re here with lots of new prospects, so if you’re done playing around, we should get serious about our real business.”

I glared at him. “Says the man who’s been lounging about.”

“Better than running around uselessly.”

“At least I was doing something, not sitting here reading fairy tales.”

“It’s the news.”

“It’s not getting us hired.”

“Says you. Today there was an interesting article on an upcoming extravaganza being held in Feoria to announce the engagement of the western king to the Jaamanian emperor’s youngest daughter.”

“The engagement of the Barbarian of Weztroga and the girl called the Flower of the Sea is old news.” I’d heard about it a few days ago when some ladies entered the shop and chattered as they browsed, looking for something unique to give their husbands. I sold them overpriced jeweled cod pieces to protect their manhoods and future heirs.

Jrijori steepled his fingers. “Did you know that there is much consternation about those two countries aligning so tightly?”

“Why? Wouldn’t that be good for everyone if they stopped acting as if they’re going to war? Varyy especially must be eager, as they are caught between them.”

“Hardly in the way given how their island is protected. It’s the other countries that should worry. They could band together and cut off Varyy if they wanted. Go after Acca to the north and then, what’s to stop them moving south and taking over Zcania?”

“So we stop the wedding before it happens. I’m in! Who are we killing, bride or groom?”

“That depends on who offers us the highest price. I’ve made it known that we’re willing and available.”

I blinked at my father. “Wait, you’re offering to kill one of the engaged pair instead of waiting for someone to ask?”