“There is no can’t. I killed his father.”
“Who was old and not half the man he used to be. I’ve heard Marell is stronger.”
My lips pressed into a line. “I’ll figure something out.”
The problem being, I couldn’t act with those bracelets on and quickly ran out of time. While the emperor had just died, Marell made no secret of his intent to crown and marry me within the next few days.
We were woken by the clanging of bells. I sat up in bed, and Majya, sleeping on a cot by the fireplace, got to the window before I could struggle out of the sheets and the tangle of my nightgown. We stared out the window as the sky lightened with dawn.
“What’s happening?” Majya asked.
“I don’t know.”
My sister eyed me. “Let’s find out. Get dressed.” I couldn’t find any pants so had to settle for a simple dark gown, which was a little better than the filmy nightdress they made me wear.
The bells kept clanging, and as we opened the door, a pair of soldiers snapped to attention.
“What’s happening?” Majya asked.
“The barbarians are at our gates.”
My heart stopped.
Konstantin had come for me.
Crazy as it seemed,Konstantin had ignored the borders and marched for Moruum, the capital of Jaaman. The guards at my door had fled to watch or fight, it didn’t matter.
With Majya at my heels, we raced to the tallest parapet that we might see past the vast city to the walls. Even at the highest spot, our view remained poor.
“We have to get closer.” Majya muttered what I thought aloud. She pursed her lips.
“They’ll never let me out of the palace.”
“No, they won’t. Which is why we’ll sneak out.” She got a pensive expression. “I grew up here and know all the secret tunnels and exits. Can you climb?”
“Yes.” Although the skirts would hinder a little.
Escaping the palace turned out to be almost too easy and quick. Using a series of hidden halls within walls, she had us across the palace to a cupola that housed messenger birds. They chirped and cooed at the sight of us. From under a pile of what looked like scrap, she pulled out a coil of rope
She saw my glance. “I put it there in case I ever needed to escape.”
“How bad was the cloister if you left it to come back here?”
“It wasn’t bad. It’s just…” She shrugged. “This is my home.”
Which was more than I could say. I felt nothing for this place. I’d happily burn it down if I could be free.
Once we hit the city streets, the chaos provided the cover we needed as we scurried, acting just as panicked as everyone else. No one seemed to realize we went toward the walls rather than away.
When we reached the base of a tower guarded by a soldier blocking our way, Majya, who’d put back her veil, barked, “Make way for the emperor’s daughter.”
Too stunned to react, the guard stood aside, and we took the stairs quickly to the top of the wall. Once there I spent a moment gaping.
An army of armored giants stood at the gate, spread out in the fields, astride massive horses, but none as big as my barbarian.
Konstantin.As if he heard me thinking his name, he emerged from the group, approaching on his horse at a slow walk.