Page 28 of Cruise Control

“And now you’re done saying hi,bye,” she snapped. The wattage dimmed on Blondie’s smile.

“Well, there’s no need to be rude, sugar, I’m just being friendly,” she tried to explain, laughing and patting Parker on the chest. As the girl rubbed her hand back and forth, Paige decided right then and there that tonight was gonna be a “scare off the bitch” kind of night, and she hopped out of her chair.

If it's okay for Parker to get violent with dudes at a rowdy concert, then I'm allowed to get violent with skanks in a rowdy bar.

“And I’mnotbeing friendly. You saw me sitting here, you saw us talking, you interrupted us, and then ignored me. Go troll for a guy somewhere else, maybe try someone who isn’t already here with somebody. You’re not wanted here,” Paige spit out, ignoring Parker’s shit-eating grin.

Blondie rolled her eyes. “Calm down sweetie, I’m not after your man, I’m just trying to make friends. Hey, shots! Let’s do shots!” The girl squealed and shocked Paige by grabbing the only remaining shot and downing the liquid.

“Are you fucking kidding me!?” Paige shouted.

Paige had worked on and off in bars for a couple years – go-go dancing, waitressing, bar-backing; when she needed money while hitchhiking, it was her go-to job. And from those jobs, she'd learned it was a universally understood rule that youdid nottouch anyone else’s drink –ever. Alcohol was like holy water to some people, not to mention the fact that in most bars, drinks weren’t exactly cheap. One time she'd watched a man break another man’s nose over a stolen beer.

I totally get it now.

“What? You don’t wanna do shots? I’m sure your boyfriend does,” Blondie giggled, licking the rim of the shot glass and winking again.

Without even thinking about what she was doing, Paige shot her hand out and snatched the shot glass from Blondie’s hand and slammed it to the ground. The thick little glass exploded at their feet, making a sound like a gun shot. Blondie shrieked and jumped back. The bar was packed and loud with music and talking, but the groups of people surrounding them grew quiet and turned to take in the scene.

“Paige,” Parker said with a warning in his voice. He slid off his stool, his grin long gone.

“What is your problem?” Blondie shrieked, stepping over the glass and getting in Paige’s face.

Paid didn’t necessarily like to fight, and it’s not like she went looking for them, but her temper was hard to control at the best of times – and this wasn’t one of those times. She stared down her nose at the blonde girl. In her heels, Paige had about six inches on her, but the girl had about forty or more pounds over Paige, making them about even.

“Youare my problem. You owe us a shot. Go get me one, and thengo away,” Paige said in a low voice.

“Look here, you are in my bar, so why don’tyougo away?” Blondie replied, her voice getting louder.

“Walk away, little girl, before I pick your ass up and throw you out of 'your bar'.”

“Chill out, Paige,” Parker’s voice said over their heads. Blondie threw her head back and laughed.

“Your friend agrees with me, so stop being a silly bitch,” Blondie suggested, narrowing her eyes.

“The onlybitchI see is thebitchin front of me,bitch,” Paige taunted back. Blondie surprised her by reaching out and straight-arm shoving her.

“Watch who you’re calling bitch, bitch!” she shouted.

“Oh, so you’re not just a bitch, you’re astupidbitch. Good to know,you stupid bitch,” Paige laughed.

Blondie let out a shriek and went to shove her again, but Paige grabbed the girl around the wrist and yanked her forward. Blondie lost her footing and her momentum carried her crashing into the table. She shrieked even louder as the table lost its balance and started to flip over, the empty glasses and beer bottles scattering everywhere. “Oooohhh” rang up from the crowd. Blondie managed to grab Parker’s empty chair to keep herself from completely falling, and pulled herself upright. The front of her top was soaked; she was wearing their drinks now.

“I will kick your ass!” Blondie shrieked.

As she windmilled her left arm, Paige quickly realized Blondie wasn’t joking. She stepped to the side but Blondie grabbed Paige’s purse strap and used it to yank her close. She slid across the wet floor and before she knew it, Blondie had two hands full of hair and was shaking Paige’s head like a dog with a rag doll.

“Goddammit,” Paige growled, wrapping her own hands around Blondie’s and then shoving herself forward. Her head made contact with Blondie’s chest and Paige kept up the momentum, driving them back across the floor.

Blondie screamed; the move had completely caught her off guard. She tried to let go of Paige’s hair, but now Paige wouldn’t let go of Blondie’s hands. She lost her footing and they both went down in a big heap.

The crowd erupted into cheers and guys started catcalling. Paige wasted no time in righting herself and she quickly straddled Blondie, grabbing her by her shoulders and slamming her back into the floor. She cocked an arm back to throw a punch, but never got to deliver it. Strong arms wrapped around her waist and she was plucked off the ground.

“We’re leaving,” Parker’s voice hissed in her ear as he held her in the air.

She struggled against his grasp. She was skinny, but at five-foot-ten, she wasn’t exactly a delicate flower – she knew most guys couldn’t hold on to her if she really put up a fight. She pulled at his arms and twisted her body around, but he just hoisted her up higher and held on tight. It was like she weighed nothing to him.

“Paige, stop it,” he ordered.