Page 25 of Cruise Control

He nodded and opened his mouth to say something when someone rammed into her from behind. She flew forward, her face colliding with Parker’s chest. She held her beer aloft with one hand and gripped his ridiculous pink hoodie with the other. She pulled herself upright and noticed that he, too, had lifted his beers up out of harm's way.

“Geez, Paige, you don’t have to throw yourself at me!” he yelled, his broad grin firmly in place. She stumbled back away from him.

“You wish! Glad to know you’d rather protect your drinks than save me from breaking my face!” she told him, shoving back at the crowd behind her.

“Gotta have priorities. Is that fire!?”

Paige turned back around in time to see one of the band members set fire to the neck of his guitar. The crowd went berserk. Paige got shoved again and felt her back collide against Parker’s chest. Before she could step away from him, the crowd surged again and she was pressed against him more firmly.

“I’m not doing this, I swear!” she shouted, moving her foot as someone stomped on her toes. There was no answer behind her, but she could feel Parker’s laugh through his chest.

It felt like he was surrounding her. She felt her blood rush to her face. Despite the loud music and screaming fans, everything around them seemed to be quieter. Still. She tried to keep her breathing calm, but it was hard, being so close to him. Actually touching him. His chest was solid against her, and warm, and he smelled like fresh rain. She knew she should step away, but she couldn't move.

Suddenly, she felt his hand on her hip and she gasped a little. It was the most intimate contact they'd probably ever shared. But then he started moving backwards, and she realized he was just guiding her away from the mosh pit that was forming around them. Nothing flirty or sexual.

Of course it isn't, you idiot.

When they got far enough away from the mayhem, she finally stepped aside. As she turned, she found they were on the very outskirts of the crowd, near a wall. She glanced at Parker before chugging down the rest of her beer. She was glad it was too dark for him to see her face – she was probably beet red. When did she become such a dorky girl?

“This is a little crazy,” he commented, his voice barely audible over the music. Paige nodded, glancing back across the crowd that was jumping up and down.

“Just a little. What time is it?” she asked, grabbing the second beer from him and taking a long pull from it.

“Um,” he glanced at his watch, “a little after midnight.”

“How late do you wanna stay?”

“We can leave as soon as we finish our drinks, we’ve seen the best of it. I’m pretty sure the band is as drunk as this crowd,” he pointed out. Paige nodded.

“Okay, maybe we can just take our beers outs-EEK!” she squealed, leaping forward.

Someone had grabbed her ass.

She whipped around, holding a hand against her butt. A very obviously drunk young man stood near her, a baseball hat askew on his head. His face was glistening and his t-shirt was soaked through with sweat. He leered at her.

“Why so jumpy, babe? It’s all good!” he hollered at her with a laugh. Paige stepped right up to him, looking him in the eye.

“Touch my ass again, and you'll pull back a stump!” she threatened, then whirled back around quickly enough to slap him in the face with her ponytail.

“Chill out, babe, it’s all in good fun,” he called over her shoulder, and then shocked her even more by slapping her on the ass hard enough to make her stumble.

Paige didn’t have time to react, though. Suddenly, Parker was directly in front of her, her nose brushing against his collar. He thrust an arm over her shoulder and she ducked down a little, looking back at what he was doing. He grabbed the young guy by the front of his shirt and dragged him forward. Paige was now sandwiched between them.

“Did you not hear her!?” Parker demanded as Paige shimmied her way out from between them. Parker dragged the guy closer still, so they were almost nose to nose.

“Whoa, sorry dude, didn’t know she was here with her boyfriend,” the guy stuttered quickly.

“I don’t give a fuck, you don’t fucking touch her!” Parker yelled, shaking the guy a little. The younger man started to get angry as well and put a palm against Parker’s chest.

“Dude! I said I was sorry! Chill the fuck out!”

"Get your fucking hand off me before I break it."

“Parker!” Paige interrupted and he jerked his head around to look at her. “I should be the one smacking him around,” she pointed out, diffusing the situation. She watched the anger slowly drain from his face and he finally smiled a little.

“Very true. What do you say, kid, gonna hold still while the lady kicks your ass?” Parker asked, shaking the guy again. He shoved harder at Parker’s chest.

“I said I was sorry, okay? I’m sorry! I won’t touch another woman’s ass as long as I live!” he promised. Parker laughed and let the guy go with a small shove.