Page 22 of Cruise Control

“Good for you. I didn’t ask. What are you doing!?” she exclaimed when cowboy Randy picked up Parker’s root beer float and took a long gulp from it.

“No sense in lettin’ it go to waste, doesn’t look like your faggy little boyfriend is comin’ back. Now how’s about that dance?” he asked before belching and wiping his mouth on the back of his sleeve.

“What the fuck, guy!? You’re disgusting, onmultipledifferent levels. I’m clearly not interested, and I asked you to go. So go,” she demanded, crossing her arms. He picked up his full beer and chugged more than half of it down, belching again as soon as he took the glass from his lips.

“See, now yer just bein’ rude. No one teach you any manners, sweetheart?” he asked with a laugh. Paige leaned forward.

“I'm not your princess nor your sweetheart – and just to go ahead and cut you off, I'm also not your babe, baby, or honey, so don’t call me any of those, either. Yes, Iambeing rude – because I want you to leave. I have manners, I'm just not extending them to you, so you can fuck off,” she growled through clenched teeth. Randy leaned forward as well.

“It’s becomin’ clear to me that maybe someone needs to teach you a lesson, sugar,” he said, glaring at her through bleary eyes. Just then, a shadow fell over the table.

“I leave you alone for ten minutes and you’re already making friends,” Parker laughed. Both Randy and Paige jerked their heads up at him.

“Well well, maybe you can talk some manners into yer pretty little friend here,” Randy suggested, belching once more.

Paige stared hard at Parker, lifting her eyebrows and clenching her jaw, doing her best to not start screaming obscenities at the man, hoping Parker got the point. She would’ve walked away already, but the bill hadn’t been paid – Parker had offered to get lunch, so she'd left her wallet in the car. Parker glanced between Paige and their new guest.

“I could try, but it hasn’t done me any good so far,” he joked. Paige snorted in disgust and shoved her chair back, standing up abruptly.

“Yer friend gets what I’m sayin’!” Randy cackled. She turned to walk away but Parker stepped in front of her.

“You okay?” he asked, dipping his head to look her directly in the eye. She glared at him.

“Fine, just another colorful afternoon with the local scenery. You can sit with him for a while, I certainly haven’t been able to get rid of him. Hope you enjoy other people’s bodily functions,” she snapped, grabbing her jacket off the back of the chair. Parker turned towards their unwanted guest.

“Hey, buddy, did she ask you to leave?” Parker asked. Paige stopped in the middle of putting her jacket on. Randy leaned back in his chair.

“I think her exact words were ‘fuck off’, which weren’t too nice, seein’ as how I was only -” but he stopped talking when Parker put his hands on the table and leaned into the other man’s face.

“I don’t give a flying fuck what her words were or what you were trying to do – if she told you to leave, then you go the fuck away,” Parker stated.

Paige was shocked. Parker was always so easy going. Of course, she'd seen Parker get annoyed and snappy, but she'd never heard him like this – she wouldn't have thought he had it in him. He stared the man right in his eyes, and Parker lookedmad. Paige realized she never wanted to see him truly angry – it would be an intimidating sight. But seeing him defend her?

This is kinda hot.

“Now look here, I was just tryin’ to say hi to the pretty girl and teach her some manners -”

“You can get up and walk away, that’s what you can fuckin' do.Now,” Parker interrupted.

They stared each other down for another minute, and then the Randy guy stood up. Parker was dramatically bigger, while Randy was shorter than Paige. Parker stared straight down at the smaller man, not flinching once.

“Well, hell, both y’all ain’t got any manners,” Randy barked before hacking a huge wad of chew on to what remained of Paige’s sundae. Paige watched Parker ball his hands into fists.

“Listen, she asked you to leave. Itoldyou to leave. Just walk away. This isn’t a problem until you make it a problem, got it? So, I'm only going to say this once – you can either leave on your own, or I canmakeyou leave,” Parker hissed through clenched teeth. Randy lingered for a moment longer. Paige almost hoped he would continue arguing – she would give anything to see Parker kick the guy's ass across the bar.

“Aw, fuck you and your lil’ girlfriend,” he grumbled before waddling back to the bar.

Paige let out the breath she'd been holding, but didn’t say anything while Parker pulled out his wallet and put some money on the table. She managed to stay quiet as she followed him out of the restaurant, but it took everything she had not to throw herself at him. As soon as the door shut behind them, she let out a squeal and grabbed his arm, swinging him around to face her.

“That was awesome!” she yelled.

Parker laughed, looking surprised. All the anger from a minute ago was gone – it was hard to believe it had been him in there.

“What? I barely did anything,” he played it cool, shaking her off and heading towards the car. She scampered up to walk next to him.

“Are you kidding!? That was like out of a Dirty Harry movie! I was waiting for you to say ‘make my day’ or something!” she told him. He rolled his eyes, still laughing.

“I hope I didn’t sound that cliché,” was his response. She punched him in the arm when they came to a stop by the Cutlass.