“Shit, was that out loud?” he asked, running a hand through his hair. She grinned, slowly turning her head to finally look at him.
“Yeah. I’m glad you like the way I am ‘normally’, though I know there isn’t much ‘normal’ about me,” she joked. He chuckled.
“Oh shut up, who is normal anyway. Besides, I’m sure your weird parents can take some of the blame for your lack of normalcy,” he pointed out. She turned back to the sunset.
“Very true,” she agreed, waving a mosquito away from her face.
“Did they raise you in South Carolina?” he ventured to ask, still watching her. He half way expected her to tell him to shove it, but she wasn’t joking when she said she’d be chilled out.
“Yeah,” she nodded, “we grew up near the coast. It’s really pretty there. I don’t know how gorgeous Long Island is, but South Carolina beaches are awesome.”
“I don’t think gorgeous is often used to describe Long Island – at least not by me. We lived in Brooklyn till I was four or five, then moved in with my grandparents on Long Island. Any brothers? Sisters?”
“Oh god, lots. You?”
“One little sister, she’s twenty-one. What is ‘lots’? Three? Four? Twelve?” he asked. He was surprised – he'd assumed she was an only child.
“Six. I mean, seven kids total, including me. Four older brothers, one older sister. One little brother – he's sixteen years younger than me,” she said. Parker's eyebrows shot up.
“Six kids almost grown and they decided what the hell, let’s add a seventh? Wow. Are all your ages all over the place?” he pressed.
“My oldest brother is twelve years older than me. I never really spent a lot of time with him. Four years after him came the twins, three years after them came Stanley. Two years later Sydney. Sydney is three years older than me, I was supposed to be the last,” she replied. He gaped at her.
“Your mother is a glutton for punishment.”
“Then there's Albie. He’s only seven. They just came home one day and were like 'surprise, you're getting a new sibling'. Next thing you know, there's a new baby, needing to be taken care of and baby-sat and looked after all the time,” she told him. He frowned.
“Yeah, that would be rough. What made them decide to have another kid?”
“My parents ... I don’t know how to explain it. My dad doesn't know how to be a parent – he just wants these little beings to follow him and sort of worship him. Fucking ridiculous, having kids solely to feel good about yourself.”
Paige’s voice had gotten downright venomous. Parker was desperate to hear more and to understand more about her, but her scowl looked like it was about to commit a crime and the day had been so fun. He had to turn it back around. He pushed away from the hood and stretched his arms above his head.
“Wow. Sound kinda like assholes. Ready to go camping!?” he exclaimed, putting on an over-exaggerated grin. She blinked at him a few times, trying to catch up with his sudden change in topic.
“Um, yes?” she offered. He laughed and walked around to the drivers side.
“Don’t look so nervous. I got us a cabin, it has electricity and everything.”
The turn off to the campground was only about 500 yards away. He gunned it down the drive while she stashed the bag of weed in her backpack.
“Are you close with your sister?” she asked, yawning and stretching her arms.
“Yeah. Kinda. We’re buds. Dude on the phone said we had cabin number thirty-two, so keep an eye out,” he instructed, slowly driving around the campground. Families were in front of cabins and tents, barbecuing, playing games. A couple dogs chased each other around.
“It’ll probably be the thirty-second one.”
“Har har, shut up and look.”
“What’s her name?”
“Your sister,” Paige laughed, reaching up and pulling her hair out of it’s ponytail holder. “What is her name?”
“Oh. Pen. Penelope. Can you see the numbers?” he asked, scowling at the cabin doors.
“Wait – Penelope, Parker, Paige? That’s a lot of Ps! Oh wait! Pen and Paige!? We could be a double act! Paige and Pen. You should let me talk to her next time you call. How much younger is she again? Does she go to the same school as you? Ha ha,Pen and Paige,” she chuckled.