Page 9 of Cruise Control

“No,” Paige shook her head. “Just don’t blow it in my face.”

A wall of smoke hit her in the face.

“Thatwas for Sharona,” he said, pointing at her with the cigarette before stretching his arms out along the back of the booth. Paige coughed and glared, waving her hand in front of her face.

“Screw you and your car, you don’t know how to handle it. You should rename it Webster, or Dexter, or some pansy-ass name like that if you’re gonna drive it like a virgin at prom,” she replied. Parker started laughing.

“You say the most amazing things, I swear to god. You’re right, I may actually fall in love with you,” he told her, watching her as he put his cigarette back to his mouth. Paige cleared her throat, trying to ignore his hazel eyes as they stared very directly into her own.

“That’s fine. You’ll remember I never said anything about reciprocating the feelings.”

“Ooohh, afraid of a little intimacy, Paige? Afraid I’ll love you and leave you?” he laughed. She stared at him before leaning over the table, looking up at him through her lashes.

“You should be scared it’ll be the other way around, and intimacy has never frightened me,” she purred low in her throat. They watched each other for a second before the waitress appeared and unceremoniously slammed their drinks on the table. They both burst out laughing.

“Hey, two more shots of Jameson, please,” Parker called out as the waitress walked away. It was Paige’s turn to raise her eyebrows.

“Two shots?You go, girl,” she mimicked him. He smirked, pushing her shot towards her.

“No, one shot for me, one other shot for you. You’re gonna have to catch up,” he informed her before picking up one of his Jack and cokes and chugging the whole thing down. Paige laughed.

“You’re gonna get into trouble tonight, aren’t you?” she chuckled, throwing the shot back. Parker looked straight at her again, smiling.

“You better keep me out of it,” he replied, his eyes slowly wandering over her face.

Paige swallowed thickly.

He is definitely not gay.

“Hmm, could be tricky. I might plan on making more trouble than you,” she joked, pulling her cocktail close. Parker shrugged, shifting his gaze to look across the bar.

“We’re gonna wind up sleeping in the car, aren’t we?” he sighed. Paige shrugged as well, taking a hefty swig of her drink.

“Probably. I once slept in the trunk of an old Buick. Maybe there's a motel close by,” she said. The waitress walked up and slammed their shots down, walking away as Parker pushed Paige’s towards her.

“Maybe. Alright, we didn’t toast last time – what should we toast to now?” he asked. Paige paused in raising her glass to her lips.

“To unexpected finds?” she offered, quirking up an eyebrow. Parker nodded slowly, sitting his cigarette in the ashtray and lifting his own shot glass.

“To new friends and good rides,” he added, and they both nodded before tossing back their shots.

The fries came not long after, and more drinks were had. Paige was shocked to discover he'd never had an Irish Car Bomb, and so introduced him. With the permission of the bartender – who was a great deal nicer than their waitress, and also the reason they eventually moved from the booth to the bar – Parker showed her how to shotgun a beer. Paige’s attempt wasn’t quite as successful as his and she wound up wearing most of the beer. Parker cackled as she wiped foam off her chin.

“Yeah, super awesome, Parker,” she grumbled, shaking out her shirt. He sighed.

“Park.Why is that so hard to say? I feel like I’m in trouble when you say my full name,” he explained. Paige shrugged.

“Nicknames weird me out, I don’t know. Don’t wanna get ‘personal’ now, do we?” she joked, pulling another shot forward. The bartender kept lining them up.

“Okay, okay, you’re weird, I get it. Your parents must be either super strict or super loose to create such a weirdo,” he joked back, taking a shot with her. Paige cocked her head to the side.

“What makes you say that?”

“Because, you’re so like ... wound tight, but also like ... funky? Not normal?” he tried to explain. She burst out laughing.

“Not normal!?”

“C’mon, you know what I mean – like a rebellious kid who still can’t shake the rules, or the kid who is trying to break rules that aren’t even there, or whatever,” he continued, ending with a belch. Paige scrunched her nose in disgust and Parker just shrugged again, lighting another cigarette.