Page 18 of Cruise Control

“Smart ass. Is the pool open?”

“Who cares? Get up, we’re going.”

Parker swung his legs over the side of his bed and jumped up. Paige didn’t move and stared up at him. Her hands were folded on top of her stomach, her legs crossed at the ankles. It was probably the most “demur” he'd ever seen her.

“You wanna crash a closed pool, at one in the morning?” she asked. He nodded.

“I feel antsy, I gotta do something,” he told her, reaching down and pulling his socks off. She finally sat up, propping herself up with her hands behind her back.

“You ‘gotta do something’ does not meanIgotta do something. Why don’t you put on a movie or listen to music or something?” she suggested. He snorted, pulling his polo shirt off so he was only wearing a white undershirt.

“And here I thought you enjoyed adventure,” he taunted, taking his cell phone out of his pants pocket and sitting it by his bed.

“I like zip lines and bungee jumping and hitchhiking – not sneaking around like a thirteen year old, in the dark, in a strange campground,” she replied.

“Fine, stay here and be lame. I’ll be back later,” he said before hurrying out the door.

The campground was pretty much silent. The cabin to his right was quiet, the cabin to the left and across the way weren’t occupied. The common area and cafeteria had some outside lights on, so he gingerly made his way there along the dark path. The gravel wasn’t kind to his bare feet but the going was quiet and quick. He crept around the side of the cafeteria and came up against the fence that surrounded the pool.

There was no lighting on the pool side of the building, but a security light was on behind the cafeteria and the backsplash provided some visibility. Also the sky was clear and the moon was bright – the water glowed where it lapped against the side of the pool. Parker tried to open the gate but it was locked. It seemed silly to him, the fence only went up to his chest. He gripped the top of it and prepared to hoist himself up.

“This is it!?” came a hiss behind him.

He looked around to find Paige walking up next to him. She was still wearing her leggings and the loose black tank top she'd changed into earlier. She was almost invisible coming out of the darkness. She put her fingers through the chain link fence next to him, peering into the pool area.

“Hey, nobody twisted your arm to come,” he said in a quiet voice before lifting himself. He swung a leg over, sat on the top, then swung his other leg over and jumped down. He dusted his hands off and was going to offer assistance helping Paige down when she landed on the concrete next to him.

“You never would’ve let me live it down. So what, you’re just gonna wade around in the shallow end?” she asked. He shook his head.

“No way. If we’re gonna risk getting in trouble, I’m jumping in,” he told her. She folded her arms.

“In your clothes?”

“Yes, in my clothes.”

“Why didn’t you put on a bathing suit?”

“No time.”

“No time? You’re gonna get your clothes soaking wet cause you were ‘antsy’?”

“Paige, if you wanna see me naked, just say so.”

She snorted and he smiled as they looked down into the water. She was chewing on her bottom lip and he could tell she was debating about whether or not she wanted to join him. He decided to help her out and gave her a stiff armed shoved. She squealed loudly before she hit the water on her side. He laughed and dove in, resurfacing to her sputtering and coughing.

“I can’t believe you did that!” she hissed, bobbing up and down while she tried to shove her wet hair out of her face.

“Oh shut up and live a little, you liked it,” he joked softly, floating on his back. She shoved him and he bobbed across to the other side.

“No I didn't. If I'd planned on getting wet, I would’ve put on a bathing suit.Ihad plenty of time,” she told him.

“C’mon, it’s more fun this way. Let’s be silly and young. Tell me a secret, Paige,” he said. He didn't really know where the idea came from, it just sort of sprang out of his mouth – but he was glad. He wanted to know more about her. Everything. There was silence from across the pool and he finally lifted his head to look over at her.

“What kind of secret?” she asked.

“Any kind. I don’t care. Something fun,” he told her, staring back up at the sky. He heard a small splash and suddenly she was treading water right next to him.

“I was on the varsity swim team all through school,” she replied.