Page 1 of Cruise Control

~The Beginning~


... greasy heaven ...


She glanced around, chewing on her thumbnail and tapping her feet on the ground. Police stations made her nervous. A tired but happy looking hooker sat at a desk across from her, chatting away to a female officer. An older man with a long beard snored in a seat at the end of the room – obviously being handcuffed to the chair didn’t upset his sleep.

“Don’t be so nervous. Getting arrested isn’t so bad.”

She flicked a glance at the guy sitting close to her, glaring a little before looking forward. She continued ignoring his stare, as she had been ever since she got shoved into a chair three seats down from him. He kept trying to strike up a conversation. Her tentative glances had shown her that he was very easy on the eyes, but she wasn't so easily swayed. She wasn't there to make friends.

“What did you get picked up for, breaking curfew? They go pretty easy on first timers,” he assured her. This time she rolled her eyes. Huh. A low chuckle followed. “Maybe we could get a jail cell together. I could, uh, show you the ropes.”

She turned completely sideways in her seat to look him in the face. This seemed to surprise him. Good. He was even better looking full-on than he had been in profile, but she didn't let that deter her. She smiled slowly and leaned across the seat next to her, getting as close to him as possible. He glanced around quickly before smiling and leaning close, as well.

“Mmmm, show me the ropes, huh?” she asked, her voice husky. His mouth quirked to the side.

“I’ll show you anything you want me to.”

She laughed low in her throat.

“Ooohhh, that sounds nice, you’re getting me all excited. I'd love for you to show me the ropes, right after yousuck my dick.”

The strangled sound he made in his throat was enough for her and she resumed her former position, staring straight ahead and chewing on her nail. The hooker was now staring at her and cackling. Even the police woman was smiling to herself.

“Oh honey,” the hooker started, fanning herself. “Wherever you’re going in life, you’re gonna get there just fine.”

Silence reigned over the station again for a little while. The girl fiddled with her now non-existent thumbnail, bouncing each leg up and down more violently, until her whole body started shaking from the motion. She was beginning to feel claustrophobic. She contemplated making a run for it, flicking her eyes towards the door.

“Don’t do it.”

She groaned, dropping her head. Usually her "start keen, end mean" approach worked, but apparently not on this guy. Not even attempting to hide her displeasure, she turned her head towards him, her limp ponytail falling over her shoulder.

“Thank you. Thank youso much. Your commentary is completely welcome. Please, don’t let my complete disinterest deter you, keep trying to talk to me,” she stated in a syrupy sweet voice. He just smiled bigger and shrugged a shoulder.