“Talk about what?” Garret’s voice demanded, causing my head to snap up to find him standing nearby. But his gaze wasn’t on me. Those pissed green orbs were on how Guzman was holding my hands. “What the fuck is going on here?”

I rolled my eyes at him. “Oh, shut up, Garret.”

“Shut up?” he repeated, practically seething. “I come out here to see if you’re all right, and I find you with the head of security—”

“Who is also my father,” I snapped back.

“Your…” His voice trailed off, and his whole stance relaxed. “Oh. Yeah, okay, that explains a lot.” The dumbass stepped closer. “Are you ready for bed, baby?”

Guzman got to his feet, releasing my hands as he did, only to put them on my shoulders. Lowering his head, he kissed my brow. “Take all the time you need to process, little one. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Thank you,” I rasped, watching him walk through the garden and toward the garage in the distance.

Garret wrapped his arm around me from behind, and I leaned into him, needing his strength but still pissed at him. “You’re such a dickhead.”

“Not going to argue with you, blue eyes. I’m a jealous man who loves you. I see someone else touching you, my brain goes crazy.”

“Idiot,” I muttered.

“Again, I’m not going to argue with you.”

“Good,” I said, and I actually found myself snickering. “Let’s go to bed.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice. I’m ready for a full night’s sleep in an actual bed.”


I was the first one up the next morning. It was still dark outside, and I rushed to get everything ready for the day. I’d gotten a call from the night nurse that Justice had an easy night, which was a relief, but not the sole reason I was in a rush to get to the hospital.

With my daughter out of the danger zone, all we had to do now was play the waiting game. It was going to take time before she was able to come home, but she only got stronger as each day passed. Which meant it was time for Mom and Nova to get their shit together.

I directed Maria to pack enough food for everyone, then found Guzman. He was outside, talking to the men who already had the vehicles pulled in front of the mansion. I took him aside, telling him what I needed him to do.

“Hannigan I can handle, but Vitucci?” He raised skeptical brows at me. “It doesn’t matter that Ramirez is dead. He’s not going to trust anyone but you.”

“I told Ryan to expect you,” I informed him. “Once he’s back here, you can join us at the hospital, or stay if you don’t feel comfortable leaving him to roam free in the mansion.”

“I still don’t understand why Vitucci is coming, but I’ll deal with it for you,” he muttered unhappily. “As long as you can promise me that neither Hannigan’s nor Vitucci’s presence will upset Calista.”

“It won’t. This has nothing to do with Lis and everything to do with my mom and Nova.” I patted him on the back. “And when all of that is sorted out, you and I need to sit down and have a long talk. Maybe you’d like to have some input into the ring I buy for your daughter.”

“The ring should have come first,” he grumbled at me, but there was a new glimmer in his eyes. “I would like to be a part of anything that has to do with Calista and Justice. Thank you.”

I gave him another hard slap on the back before jogging back into the mansion. Upstairs, I made sure Mom and Nova were up and ready to go before checking in on Lis. I heard the shower running and knocked on the door before sticking my head into the steamy bathroom. “Baby?”

“Ten minutes,” she called. “I swear, I only need ten minutes.”

“Take your time, blue eyes,” I told her. “Justice had a good night.”

“Yay!” she squealed happily. “Okay, but I still only need ten minutes.”

“I’ll be downstairs.”

“All right.”

I turned but paused, my hand still on the door. “Lis?”

“Yeah?” she yelled over the loud spray of the water.