“We’re not going to die,” my friend promised. “Ryan and Garret are probably already on their way to get us right now.”

The mention of the man I loved forced a humorless laugh past my lips. “Sweet, innocent Nova.” Even in death, she was so precious. How could she not see the danger we were in? Or even think that the men she placed so much trust in would ever risk themselves to save us? “You think they will come and rescue us? What world do you live in? We are nothing to them. Out of sight, out of mind. They probably already have replacements for us.”

That was how every man was. They didn’t think a woman was worth the effort, so they put them out of their minds and found someone else to warm their bed and wet their dicks.

“No.” Nova practically growled at me in her vehemence. “Ryan will come for me. Both of us. Just wait and see.”

“From what I can determine, it’s already been two days. Over forty-eight hours with no sign of your precious Ryan. If they were going to save us, they would have been here by now.” I lost strength in my neck, and it bowed until my chin touched my chest. “Just accept it, Nova. We’re going to die here. Stop fooling yourself and thinking that any man is a knight in shining armor. That is fairy-tale bullshit our moms tell us when we’re little girls to give us hope of a better life.”

“You’ll see,” she muttered stubbornly, reminding me so much of her brother, a lump filled my throat. “Any minute now, Ryan will come through that door and get us the hell out of here.”

“Keep dreaming, princess,” I muttered.

Silence descended again, and I was thankful for it. I just wanted to curl into a ball with my pain, but that was impossible, so I channeled my thoughts inward, promising my nugget that after our deaths, I’d get to hold him or her in my arms. We would be safe on the other side. There would be no evil where we were going…

“Hey, asshole!”

Nova’s shout startled me so much that it convinced me she was really alive and not a ghostly apparition that was playing tricks on my mind. It also scared the fuck out of me. I knew I wasn’t leaving that dungeon alive, but I wasn’t sure I was ready to face death just yet.

“What are you doing?” I hissed at the crazy girl across from me. “Are you insane?”

“I have to pee,” she said so calmly, I knew she must have sustained brain damage somewhere between the limo accident and waking up earlier.

She had to pee, so she was going to bring my monstrous stepbrother in there to kill us both? It would surely put us out of our misery, but I wanted a little more time to make promises to my nugget before I met the baby on the other side.

Rustling outside the door made my heart stop, but no one came in. With a heavy sigh, Nova shifted, and I watched her fingers clench around the chains above her cuffs. She grimaced in pain but raised her voice louder. “Yo, cocksucker. I’m talking to you, you dickless pussy.”

“Nova, you have a death wish,” I whispered to her, my swollen eyes begging for her to stop. “Please don’t get him in here. He will only beat me again. I can’t take much more. The baby…”

“You will both be fine,” she said confidently. She adjusted her hold on the chains, shifting the weight on her arms so more was being taken by one than the other just as the door was kicked open.

A seething Manuel stomped into the room, his face twisted with hate—like always. Even through my blurred vision, I could see how huge his pupils were and knew he had been sticking his nose in the coke again. Perhaps he’d even gotten into something stronger since the Ramirez cocaine supply was gone, the Vituccis supposedly having taken over the fields after Matias’s death.

“What’d you say to me, bitch?” my stepbrother slurred in accented English. “You dare call me a cocksucker?”

“Your breath sure does smell like you just spat out your boyfriend’s dick,” Nova taunted. “You got a little man juice right there?”

My eyes bulged when I watched her touch her tongue to the corner of her mouth, indicating where it was before she actually—fucking actually—smirked at him. “Go ahead and lick it all up, Manny. I’m sure you want to get every last drop.”

Oh lord, he was going to kill her first. I knew it. But I couldn’t stand it. Helplessly, I watched as he stomped toward her and punched her in the head with his huge fist. Her head fell forward, and I cried out.

“No!” I screamed, needing to protect her. She’d saved me from him once; now it was my turn. “Leave her alone, Manuel. She has nothing to do with this.”

Slowly, he turned to face me. “She helped you run from me, Calista. She is the reason you got away and I couldn’t marry you when the old bastard died. All that money, and he left it to his whore’s bitch of a daughter.”

“I will never marry you!” I screeched so loud that everyone in the mansion must have heard me. “I will slit my own throat before I become your wife.”

“You think I want to marry you for anything other than to get the money that should have been mine to begin with? I hate you, you stupid bitch!”

He took a step toward me, and I tensed, preparing for the blow that would finally end my life. But it never came. Right before my eyes, Nova moved as fast as lightning. She lifted the top half of her body and wrapped her legs around Manuel’s neck from behind. She cried out, pain twisting her beautiful face, but she didn’t release him.

Manuel struggled, an expression on his face I’d never seen there before—fear—as she attempted to squeeze the life from him. Nova tightened her legs, but he somehow turned his head, biting into the flesh of her inner thigh. She screamed so loud, my ears began to ring, but she refused to release him.

Blood began to drip down her leg onto the floor, and her screams came again and again until Manuel went limp in her hold.

Breathing heavily, she released him, and he landed on the floor with his head at an awkward angle. I blinked a few times, thinking my swollen eyes were playing tricks on me, but when I looked again, I met the lifeless gaze of my stepbrother.

He really was dead.