I turn my head, my chin scraping across my shoulder. “What now?”
He pushes me off of him and gets off the bed, already sliding the condom off. “You put a swimsuit on and pretend this shit didn’t happen. I don’t want people in my business.”
I place my leg off the side and stand, sliding my other behind it. I catch a glimpse of my bags on the other side of the bed and fight to smother the smile. He was going to take the air mattress and give me the bed; though I highly doubt he’d admit it, so I’ll keep it to myself. I like this way better. Slutty swimsuit it is. We’ll see how much of an asshole to me he can be.
“What kind of pass was that?! You playing for the other team?” I laugh, like I always do listening to Landon watch football from a distance, which is the only time you hear much out of him. It’s entertaining to see how mad he can get over a bad call.
I turn around after taking my shot and prop my ass against the pool table, waiting for Riggan to take his. As soon as the replay comes on Landon glances toward the jacuzzi for about the twentieth time tonight where Paxtyn and Gabby are drinking and talking, which is something they’ve been doing since Paxtyn came out in a skimpy swimsuit and attached herself to the only other non-pregnant girl here. Presley and Blondie went in to make snacks, I think.
He takes a drink from his beer bottle, mumbling something under his breath, and it finally occurs to me what is going on, pulling my lips into a smile. The events of today align just right and everything makes sense. Why would it actually surprise me the little asshole has game? I toss my pool stick on the table and walk toward the outdoor couch where he’s sitting, taking his flank. He sets his beer on the coffee table as he looks my way. “What?”
“You already fucked her, didn’t you?”
“I have no clue what you’re talking about.”
I laugh. “You really gonna bullshit me? Who came and sat with your lonely ass on your porch drinking countless nights when I had to get up and go to work the next morning?”
Riggan plops down on the other side of him, making Landon look between us. “He has a point,” Riggan says. “We’ve never had secrets. Why start now?” He then smiles. “You two have something in common now. Bitches for broads that gave your sorry asses their virginity before you even knew they were one.”
“Why are y’all suddenly interested in who I shove my dick in?”
I shake my head. “Because you’ve always been open about who you fuck and you’re working too hard to hide it.” He narrows his eyes at me. I grin. “You’re completely obvious, dumbass. We’re your boys. We’ve known you forever.”
He breathes out, clearly frustrated. He doesn’t like people calling him out. “Open your mouth to any of the girls and I’ll beat your ass too. You know I don’t like people in my shit.”
I smack him against the back of the head. “You know better, asswipe. So, you’re strung out on virgin pussy like the rest of us now?”
“Shut the fuck up. I don’t get strung out on any pussy. They all make me come just the same.”
I laugh. “You’re full of shit! You’ve been eying her all night, probably deciding what way you’re going to get in that next.”
“He didn’t want me to see her tits either,” Riggan chimes in. “They’re bigger than her sister’s. Or that tan line that makes her pussy a focal. Shoved her into the bed the second he thought I was staring.”
“Nice! She bleed or did you just tear through that and keep going? I know you did something with that monster cock you don’t deserve to carry. The nice guys like me and Rig should get the trophy pieces.”
Landon shakes his head. “Jesus. Sometimes I hate this open-door policy we have.”
“You don’t strip a girl seven years younger than you of her virginity and then keep that shit locked up. I may not have brought Gabby around back then, but I didn’t keep my shit from either of y’all. After I tapped that you knew about it.”
“For the record, I did not know she was a virgin. I’m not that big of a prick. My god. Look at her. She was prancing around in slutty underwear and then betting on who got the bed with sexual acts. I stopped thinking when I tried to insert two fingers and they wouldn’t fit side by side. One was crossed over the other. The girl rolled the condom on my dick like she’s done it a million times and then got on to ride. No fucking guy is turning down a girl that looks like that. It dawned on me when she sat down on it and something gave way like a rubber band snapping. No point in stopping that far.”
I smile; so many memories coming back. No wonder she likes Gabby. They’re similar. Riggan gets up to get a beer out of the refrigerator, bringing back three. “Just admit it. It makes you a little fucking crazy to know you’re the only one that’s been in there.”
He stares at me, blinking. “I’m not giving you anything to hold over my head when the bitch goes back to California.”
“You say the most when you say nothing at all,” Riggan says, sipping on his beer. “At some point, Landon, a girl is going to have you by the balls. There is nothing you can do about it. Fighting it when it’s the right one won’t work.”
“Just because you two want to get married and have kids doesn’t mean we all do. I’m just fine working my two weeks and doing whatever the hell I want to the other two. No bitch is going tell me what I can and can’t do, spend all my money, define my happiness, or strap me down with kids that drive me as crazy as my sister’s kids do. At some point, every fucking one of them spreads their legs for someone else when they’re tired of the same ole, even the good ones. Pussy is pussy. Just because hers is tighter doesn’t make her special. In the end, the result is always the same—I come and I send her home. I need some air.”
He stands up and walks off, taking his beer with him, which is nothing new. I breathe out. That went to shit quickly. “He ever going to get over what his mom did? Your dad cheated on your mom and you don’t have that mindset.”
Riggan takes another drink from the bottle, still calm like he almost always is. “My dad wasn’t my best friend either like his is. And I was too young to really get it at the time. We were in high school when it came out that his mom was screwing the football coach—his coach—while his dad was working overseas for twenty-eight days at a time. Don’t you remember? That’s when he started breaking off to himself more. What else is he going to do? He can’t hate her. It’s his mom.”
“Vaguely,” I answer, feeling guilty. “That happened somewhere around the time I met Gabby. You know there’ssomethingthere. He doesn’t give girls a second glance. If he fucks them twice it’s because they came to him. If there wasn’t, he wouldn’t get so damn mad.”