“Where is he?”
You aren’t in a position to make demands. You want me to give you my daughter? To let you raise your son? Then you’re going to do what you should have done when I found out you were fucking my thirteen-year-old little girl. How would you feel if you found out your fourteen-year-old daughter was pregnant, and by a boy four years older than her? Or did you even put yourself in my shoes? I wasn’t going to let her give up her teenage years to be a single mother. You never came back.
“You told me not to!” I roar, my emotions escalating. All the guilt I’ve felt about not finding a way is hitting me at once. My eyes sting. “I loved her then and I love her now. It was real for me.”
Tears fall down my face. Gabby places a palm on each cheek, drawing my eyes to hers. She’s crying. “Maddox,” she whispers.
I’m not giving her to a pussy. I’m not giving her to someone who’s going to keep her from me. She’s my only daughter. I’m tired of her hating me. I’m going to give her to someone that will protect her, take care of her, fight for her, and remain faithful to her. Life doesn’t give you handouts, or head starts. You had to earn my respect first. If the devil had a heart I guess that’s me. It’s about fucking time you grew a pair.”
“I want them—to marry her and to raise him. What do you want? Name it.”
Bring my daughter home and face me like a man. I did what was best for her at the time. I tricked her into signing a temporary transfer of guardianship and entrusted him to someone that was grown, that could provide and care for him until the two of you grew up a little. You want them both? You have one shot with me. You have forty-eight hours to get her here. Bring plenty of clothes and a passport or you’re going to miss the reunion. You each have a plane ticket with your name on it. We’re flying to Greece. It’s time for you to meet the family,son.
“We’ll be there.”
By the way, he looks just like you. The ball is in your court.
The call disconnects and before I can process anything my arm is swinging forward. Gabby has half of my phone in her hand before I can release mine. “Not this time. Phones are expensive. Tell me what he said.”
I rub my hand in circles on top of my head, messing up my hair while I try to calm down and get a grip on my emotions. My brain is throbbing. “I think he’s going to give us our son.”
Her lip quivers. “Don’t fuck with me, baby. Are you serious?”
The tears are humiliating and I don’t even care. I nod. “He’s had someone raising him this whole time. All I had to do was get my shit together.” I break. “I’m so fucking sorry, Gab. It’s all my fault you don’t have him.”
My chest shakes as I sob. She grabs my jaw as hard as she can. “Listen to me, motherfucker, and you listen good. This isnotyour fault any more than it’s mine. Do you hear me? Maybe this is how it was supposed to be. How many couples stay together after they leave grade school? I hate that we were apart. I missed you every second of every damn day. But maybe we did need to grow up so we’d appreciate each other more, because after living my life without you, I know you’re the vital piece that was missing. Bury the guilt.”
“Gab . . .” I whisper. “How can you ask that of me?”
She grabs the back of my hand and lays it flat on her stomach for the first time. “Do you want me, and this baby? Do you want to get Madden back?”
I close my eyes and bow my head, already nodding. “Then. Bury. It. And don’t dig it back up either.”
“I love you, Gabrielle Katerina Thanos.”
She gets off my lap and stands in the small space between me and the drum set, shoving down her leggings. Her mouth tilts. “I love you too, always.”
I stare at her clean-shaven pussy as she works my jeans open. “What are you doing?”
“You’re hard.”
I push her hand away. “I’ll live. I’m rarely not hard when you’re around and touching me. I don’t need that right now. There are more important things to worry about than getting my dick serviced, like packing. We’re going home for a little while.”
She straddles my lap again and pulls my dick out, ignoring everything I just said as she rubs the tip over her wet pussy. “Shut up and fuck me. We have a good thing going here. Don’t screw it up,” she says, making me feel like I’m right back in my old truck the night of that football game when I found out how old she was and tried to break it off. “All that matters is this—you and me.”
She sinks down the length of my dick. She remembered everything she did and said that night. I pull her tee shirt off and tug her bra down as she pumps slowly. When one hand settles on her ass and the other on her breast, she gives me a shy smile, her espresso eyes boring into my green ones. Gabby is rarely ever shy about anything. “Do you remember what you said to me?”
“You’ve had me since hello.”
“Yes,” she whispers, and her hands comb through the sides of my hair as she draws closer, her body now rocking on mine. It’s an amazing feeling.
“I mean it just as much now as I did back then.”
“Then there will never be a goodbye,” she tells me, and her lips come crashing down on mine.