Elliot walked over and joined me on the bed. He wrapped his hand around my own and the small gesture gave me the strength that I desperately needed at that moment. “No. She specifically asked to see just us.” He said, putting his other arm around me and pulling me close to him. I put my head on his shoulder while the sadness washed over me.

“I don’t want to give him back,” I whispered.

“I know, baby. But just because he has to go back to her doesn’t mean he can’t always have a home with us. I’m going to make him a key and make sure he knows he can come back whenever he needs to. He’ll always have us,” Elliot whispered, kissing me at the top of my head. I just nodded my head, too consumed with emotion to really respond. “I’m going to ask Rita to watch Bobby after school tomorrow, so we can head down there to see Susan,” he said, his voice low and a little sad.

“She hurt him so badly,” I whispered through the tears that were now falling down my face. “She actually burned his arms. What kind of mother does that? How can she even call herself a mother when his well-being and happiness don’t come before everything else. I hate her, Elliot. I hate her for the scars she left on him, both inside and out.”

“He isn’t alone now. But legally, we can’t just keep him.”

“We can run away.” I said, knowing that my words were insane. But all I could think about was that little boy and the look of fear that woman had put on his face. “I know we can’t break the law, but I want to keep him here with us forever.”

“I know, baby, so do I.”

“I guess we need to get this over with. Prolonging things won’t make it any easier. I’m going to spend as much time with Bobby as I can.” I kissed Elliot on the cheek before getting up and heading back to the sweet little boy who had managed to capture my heart and run away with it.

I watched Bobby and Bruno roughhousing in the living room. The dog loved him more than he loved me. He was so sweet and gentle with him, allowing him to do pretty much anything he wanted to him. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do or how I was going to deal with not having that sweet boy’s laughter booming in the cabin. I closed my eyes, making sure my emotions were in check before I walked over to them and crouched down on the floor.

“Ready for dinner, buddy?” I asked, smiling as big as I could, praying I could keep things normal and happy for him while he was here.

“You changed your mind about me eating those vegetables?” He asked, beaming at me.

“Not a chance, buster,” I laughed.

“Oh, man!”

Chapter 11


Sitting in the rehab facility felt like we were waiting for someone to die in a hospital. It had the same feeling as one anyway. I remember when my mother was dying it was all the same: fake smiles and head nods. The whole place was making me feel like a wild animal trapped in a cage. It didn’t help that every time I looked at Reese, she looked like she was going to burst into tears. I tightened my hold on her and lifted her onto my lap.

“It’s going to be okay,” I said, desperate to make it all better for her. Kidnapping Bobby sounded good at the moment just to be able to make my girl less sad.

“I know, but I love him. I love him so much, Elliot. He feels like he’s mine. It feels like someone is going to rip my child away from me.” She sobbed into my chest. I was about to just grab my girl and run out of there when one of the admins approached us.

“Hello, I’m Donna. Susan is ready to see you now. Please, follow me.” She said, her smile radiating patience. I figured that was the first thing they trained them on. Look sympathetic above all else. I slowly put Reese on her feet and got up. I made sure her hand was secure in my own. I didn’t want to let go of her. I needed to make sure that no matter what, she had an anchor. She had me. She would always have me.

We were brought into a bright yellow room, with sofas, chairs and a dark mahogany coffee table. In the corner were some sugary snacks and a coffee machine.

“Please, make yourselves comfortable. Susan and her counselor will join you in a moment.” The administrator said, offering up a sympathetic smile before showing herself out.

“How much longer are they going to make us wait?” Reese said, the emotion in her voice breaking my heart. She was pacing back and forth in the room, unable to settle. I’d noticed on the drive here that she was full of nerves and anxiety, and it hadn’t gotten any better.