Page 8 of Tripp's Bride

“Yes, Sugar, that’s it. Come for Daddy.” He pinched my nippes hard and I exploded, crying out his name and a bunch of other incoherent words.

When I stopped moving on him, he held me close against his chest. “Damn, Amelia. That was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.” William stroked my back. “I want to take you upstairs and fuck you so bad right now, but I want to wait until we’re husband and wife. I can’t wait to marry you.”

I smiled into his chest. I couldn’t wait to marry him either. I thought it was very sweet that he wanted to wait to make love until we were married. It was another thing to add to the list of reasons why I was pretty sure I was falling in love with William.

I finally climbed off of him and went to take a shower. He was going to make some phone calls to get us a wedding date. Hopefully it would be soon. I couldn’t wait to be Mrs. William Anderson.



Fuck me.

Amelia was a virgin! That thought hadn’t even crossed my mind when I picked her but what a bonus. I couldn’t wait to be the first and only man who was ever inside her.

That little makeout session on the couch left me with a serious case of blue balls and I think Amelia wouldn’t have protested if I took her to bed, but after learning she was a virgin, I wanted to wait until we were married.

And now I wanted to get us married as quickly as possible.

When she was in the shower, I made a few calls into the nearest town for someone to marry us. I was not happy to find out we would have to wait two weeks. I didn’t know if anyone could die of blue balls, but if I didn’t marry this girl soon, I may be the first incident of it.

When I gave Amelia the news, she wasn’t thrilled either but I think she was also a bit relieved. I understood; it gave her more time to get to know me and get used to life here.

The next week was amazing. I dated my future wife. We spent the days outside and I took her to some of my favorite hiking spots. I started teaching her how to use a gun. She was hesitant at first, but I insisted - not to protect herself from people, although that didn’t hurt, but to protect herself from bears and other wildlife. You could live in Alaska and not know how to shoot.

At night we talked and played games. And made out. NOthing made my cock harder than the whimpers of pleasure that came from her lips when she let me finger her to orgasm. I always sent her to bed with at least one. She wanted to return the favor, but I told her there would be plenty of time for that after the wedding. The time right now was all about her.

Amelia was taking a nap one day so I took out the four wheeler to visit my neighbor Elija. He was headed out to do some hunting as a herd of moose was seen nearby. He asked me to come along. I hated to leave Amelia, but it was just for a few hours. It would have been a shame to pass up some moose meat.

I told him I’d be back in an hour or less so I drove back to the cabin. Amelia was awake and sitting on the screened in porch. We’d been discussing her doing online college while she was here. The idea excited her as a month ago she never thought she’d be able to go to college. She was sitting crosslegged in leggings and one of my t-shirts, my laptop on her lap, researching online programs.

“Hey Sugar.” I walked in and kissed her forehead. We’d already become so comfortable with the small gestures of affection.

“Hey you,” she smiled up at me and closed the laptop.

“Did you see my note?” I sat on the chair next to her.

“I did. Thank you.”

“Elijah said there was a herd of moose spotted nearby and he was going to go hunting. He asked me to join him. I told him I had to clear it with you. You’ve only been here a week and I didn’t want to leave you if it made you uncomfortable.”

“That’s fine with me. I’m used to being alone and I’ll be fine for a few hours.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want this to be a thing where you say it’s okay and then I get back and you're mad at me.”

Amelia laughed. I loved the sound of her laugh. It was infectious and always made me smile. “I’m new to this relationship thing, remember? I don’t play games. If I say it’s fine, it’s fine. More meat in the freezer is probably a good thing, huh?”

“Very good thing, especially in the winter.” I stood up and easily lifted her out of the chair. She would protest when I did things like that, saying she was way too heavy to be lifted. I would just roll my eyes and pick her up anyway.

I held her up with my hands on her ass and she wrapped her short legs around me. “I’ll be back soon and tonight, I’m having you for dinner. I can’t wait to taste that pussy.” I winked at her and she gasped. She would blush and act all innocent at my dirty talk, but I found the more I did it, the more turned on she got.

“William!” She scolded me when I set her down, but I saw the smile on her face. Amelia sat back down and opened the laptop, her cheeks flushed, and I went inside to get my hunting gear.

When I came back out, I bent down and pulled the back of her hair gently so she was looking up at me. “I’ll be back soon, Amelia.” I kissed her lips softly and stood up, letting her go. I swore I heard her gasp as I walked out the door. That girl wanted me as much as I wanted her.

“Bye William. Be safe.”

I turned and winked at her. A smile broke out on her face and my heart swelled with emotion. I had been living fine by myself, but now that Amelia was here, I realized how much I missed having someone to be with, even if it meant sitting and reading quietly together. It was nice to have someone concerned with my safety as well. I was always safe in the woods and I’m sure Amelia knew that, but her asking me to be safe was that extra special touch to let me know she cared.