“Well, you know what you’re talking about.”

“Any chance of you coming to the castle tonight? Your mom has more wedding stuff she wants to show you. Things I apparently can’t see.”

I stifle a yawn. “It’ll have to wait. I really have to study after dinner. Unfortunately, there’s no getting around it.”

“Do you need me to cast another study spell?”

“Won’t help. I have to actually read the textbook and go over my notes to learn the stuff. Magic can only go so far.”

“You haven’t had time to study for your other class?” Concern fills his eyes.

“Not with everything else going on.”

He nods. “I’ll let your mother know you’d like to visit. You do need to excel at your studies if you’re going to rule the oceans one day. Can’t skimp on your education.”

We discuss the future until we reach the dining hall—just as the bell rings. The other students all stop as they near us and bow to him, and some even praise him. I’m not sure that’s something I’ll ever adjust to.

After I get inside, Bash waves me over. I wrap my arms around him and give him a kiss. “It’s so good to see you, but I was thinking of sitting with Halen this time. I’ve hardly seen her outside of the room lately.”

He pouts and bats his lashes. “You won’t sit with me?”

I give him a playful shove. “You could always sit with us. Like I keep saying.”

“My place is with the band.”

“You’re my boyfriend, and I sing with the band. Why doesn’t that help move you guys up in the pecking order?”

“We’re the troublemakers.” He shrugs. “Just the way it is. Besides, Rudder would never be able to sit where your friends do.”

That gives me pause. “Wait. I never thought about it, but if he’s in the School of Magic Arts, how is it he sits at our table so often?”

“Because we’re at the end of the table. Nobody cares. I could go sit with his school, and nobody would say a thing.”

“And yet you can’t sit with Halen and me?”


I give him a quick kiss. “Still seems strange to me.”

“As long as you can sit with me when you want to, I’m not going to fight the rules.”

“I still say they’re dumb.” I make my way over to Halen, who is deep in conversation with the others at the table, and take my seat. “What are you all talking about?”

She turns to me, her eyes wide. “The same thing everyone is.”

“Which is?”

“Your trials!”

My stomach twists. “Everybody’s talking about that?”

“Are you kidding? Of course! They’re so mysterious, and nobody has ever done them since Queen Sirena.” She plays with my hair. “Think your hair will get longer and pinker again?”

I shrug, refusing to say more with so many people around. Given the fact that I’m not going to kill my dad, I’m not making any guesses what will happen. I just hope my plan will actually succeed, and I’ll still come out victorious even if he doesn't die and get revived. Technically, I’ll still defeat that trial if everything goes according to my plan. “What’s everyone saying about it?”

“The fourth-years have been going through books in their library, trying to find what they can.”


Lumen and Idira talk over each other, making it impossible to tell what either one says. I’m pretty sure one of them mentioned a sea dragon.

Maybe I won’t even get to the last test if I get swallowed by a monster taller than the academy. Not that the thought makes me feel much better. I want to reach the end of the trials and defeat my dad without killing him. It’s the perfect plan, and I’m sure if the legendary queen had thought of my idea, she’d have done it too.

No reason I have to do everything she did. I can find better ways, less deadly ways to do things. And the final trial is the perfect place to begin. When my plan works, everyone will be shocked. Most of all, my father. He may even believe I killed him. If nobody is the wiser, all the better.

I just want to get through the events so I can get back to my life. But more than that, I want to be just a normal student. No more competitions, no bad treatment, no special treatment. I only wish to be left alone to live out my academy days like anyone else—worrying about exams and projects while also spending time with my friends and boyfriend. Is that really so much to ask for?