“Go for it.” He cocks a brow.

I don’t know why I’m so nervous. But I ignore my shaking hands and pull up on the bottom of his shirt until it comes all the way off. My stomach tingles and I manage to focus my attention on the new tattoo. I run my fingertip around it, careful not to bother the irritated skin. Then I look up at him and swallow. “I love it, but I hope you don’t end up regretting it.”

“Why would I? Should I be worried about something?”

“No. I only ever want to be with you, but—”

“But nothing.” He pulls me close and kisses me.

I lose myself in the moment and run my palms down his perfect arms.

Voices sound down the path. Bash pulls away and puts his shirt back on. Earwyn and her dogfish pass us, but instead of shooting me a glare she stops and gives me a sympathetic glance. “I hope your stomach is better.”

Cove and Vanya nod and voice their agreement.

“Uh, thanks.” I hardly know how to handle them acting nice.

Earwyn glances over at Bash and wrinkles her nose.

“What?” he asks.

The corners of her mouth curve up, then she glances back and forth between us. “Your shirt’s on inside-out.”

The three of them giggle and make their way down the path without another word.

I turn to Bash. “Think she’s genuine?”

He pulls off his shirt, flips it the right way, and pulls it back on. “Yeah, my shirt was definitely inside-out.”

“No, I meant about them being glad I’m feeling better.”

“Oh, that. It wouldn’t surprise me. Everyone was pretty freaked out when you collapsed like you did.”

“Must have, if even those three felt bad for me.”

His shell phone rings. “It’s your dad.”

I groan. “Does he have a radar for when we kiss?”

“According to the text, he wants to discuss the trials. What are you going to tell him?”

“That I’ll go through with them.”

He gives me a double-take. “Are you serious? You don’t want to try and find another loophole? Or someone else who can undo the spell?”

I shake my head. “I have an idea how to go through the trials and avoid the dad curse.”