Chapter 16

It’s finally the end of the week, and I’m jamming with the band. I told Halen and our friends in case they wanted to come. Halen didn’t like them when I first arrived at the academy, but now she can’t get enough.

So far, the room is empty other than those of us playing. And that suits me just fine. The last thing I want is to make anyone pass out. I’ve had more than enough of that to last me a lifetime.

The door creaks open in between songs. I crane my neck to see if it’s Halen.

It’s Neva. At first, my heart leaps into my throat—a reaction from the days I thought she and Bash were a couple, before I knew they were besties and would probably gag at the thought of kissing each other. At least, I’d like to think that’d be their reaction.

“Neva!” Bash sets his guitar aside. “What are you doing here?”

She throws herself into his arms, and they embrace. “My new academy is on break, so I’m visiting!” Then she hugs the rest of the guys, and even me. “I hear you’ve been taking care of our boy.” She glances over at Bash and grins.

“I’m trying. Hey, you should sing with us. We’re going to have a small audience soon, and I know everyone will be thrilled to see you again.”

“You give me too much credit.” She gives me a playful shove. “But I’d love to. You’re not planning to knock anyone unconscious with your voice, are you?”

My face flames. “I wasn’t planning on it.”

“You’re too serious! I’m just playing. Actually, I wish I had that ability. Got a few guys I wouldn’t mind having you sing to back at the new digs.”

Bash comes up to us. “Someone giving you trouble? Need me to punch them for you? Or did you give them a hard time and have it coming?”

“Maybe I should punch you, instead.” She laughs and holds up her fists.

I hold back a grin. Definitely a sibling-like relationship.

Everyone spends a few minutes catching up with Neva, laughing and joking, then we all take our places. This time Neva and I are on either side of Bash. He starts with a complicated guitar solo before belting out the first line. Neva and I join him in unison before the others jump in with their instruments and back-up vocals.

Before the song ends, Halen and our friends have come in with a group of guys. They all applaud at the last note. Other students enter the room, and by the time we start the next song, it’s a packed house. I throw Halen a curious glance. How many people did she invite? She winks, letting me know she invited a lot of people.

We move on to another song, and by the time we’re done, more students have squeezed into the room. They all cheer for more. It’s a rush, and I can’t wait to sing another song. And best of all, everyone is still conscious. Maybe the theory is true, and I have to be inebriated to make the guys pass out.

After a dozen more songs, Bash announces we’re done. Disappointment washes through me. I could go on forever.

The room slowly clears. Neva suggests going to that bar where I made the mermen pass out.

“Have fun,” I say. “I don’t think I’m welcome there anymore.”

Bash puts an arm around me. “Pretty sure they can’t say no to you, princess.”

I groan. “Even if that’s true, the customers won’t be happy to see me.”

“If they remember that night, which I doubt they will. And they’ll have to go through me if they want to give you trouble.”

I shrug. “I can just tell them I won’t sing. Then we don’t have to worry about my siren-like abilities.”

We head for the parking lot, and everyone gets on their motorcycles. I climb on with Bash, and before I know it, we’re back at that bar. My heart races as I remember fleeing the last time.

A few of the employees glare at me but don’t say anything. Bash tells one of them we aren’t here to sing. We all squish into a booth, and he orders that delicious but weird dish again. Everyone else gets drinks, but I pass just in case I get talked into belting out lyrics.

We laugh and just have a good time until people start filtering out.

Bahari is the first to leave. “Got an early study group tomorrow.”

“At noon?” Neva teases.

“One-thirty.” Bahari waves and leaves.