Chapter 15

Iswing the loaned trident at my dad, and he easily blocks it before pinning me to the wall.

“Match!” calls the servant.

Dad pulls away the trident. “You have a lot of potential, but I can see why the teacher wants you to have more practice sessions.”

I hand the borrowed weapon to the servant. “It’s not the same with that one.”

“I’m sure it’s not.” He wipes a brow. “Next time, bring yours.”

“It can’t leave the academy.”

He arches a brow. “It can if I say it can.”

“Not going to argue with that.”

“Or we can practice there. Either way. I’m already there to work with you on the Ayers power.” He turns to my mom. “Did Marra tell you she healed my hand with the power?”

“No.” She beams at me. “Great work, sweetheart!”

“I had little choice. He was about to bleed out.”

Her eyes widen. “What?”

My dad hands his trident to the servant then kisses Mom. “I wouldn’t let myself bleed out.”

“Good.” She kisses him passionately.

I turn away and meet Bash’s gaze. He’s obviously thinking the same thing I am—awkward. I clear my throat. “I think we’ll head back to the academy. We have to study.”

Thankfully, they pull away. Dad frowns. “I thought we could all have some dessert since you weren’t able to eat dinner with us.”

“Really, we need to hit the books.” Bash puts his arm around me. “We’d love to do dessert another time, though.”

My dad nods and holds Bash’s gaze for a moment. “Think about what I told you.”

I glance back and forth between them, trying to figure out what they’re talking about.

Bash nods. “I will. Thanks again.”

“What?” I ask.

Dad fixes his robe. “I’ll let Sebastian explain it to you.”

Bash groans. I’m not sure if he’s groaning at his full name or having to tell me whatever they discussed.

“Before you go—” Dad looks at me. “Let me get you the textbook I used when studying the trident.”

“Great, more homework.”

He straightens his back. “It isn’t like that. Not only does the academy need you to win the tournament, but more importantly, you need to master the trident for the trials.”

My stomach twists at the thought. “Really, we don’t need to do the trials.”

“It’s your destiny.”

I shake my head no. “It’s her past, not my future.”