They’re glowing! The power is starting to work.

Nothing happens. The wound doesn’t heal, doesn’t stop bleeding.


Out of instinct, I take his hand in between both of mine and cover the cut. Press my palm on his. The green becomes a little brighter.

He closes his eyes. Is he going to pass out?

My heart thunders harder. “Dad!”

His eyes fly open. “You called me Dad.” Some color returns to his face.

I let go of his hand and glance down. The wound is gone. Looks like he was never cut.

He pulls me into his arms. “You did it! I knew you could do it.”

My body goes limp. I can’t believe I just healed him. And I can’t believe he let it go that long. I gather enough strength to pull away and glare at him. “Don’t do that again.”

“You needed that. Don’t you see?”

I draw in a deep breath. “What I need is a textbook.”

He chuckles and glances at the time. “Try that again?”


“Tomorrow, then.”

I glare at him.

He ruffles my hair. “Now you know you can use the Ayers power for healing.”

“Now we know. We can move on to the next lesson.”

“Let’s call it a day.” He kisses the top of my head. “Would you prefer to come to the castle before or after dinner?”

“You’re letting me pick?”

“Why not?” He leans back in the chair and adjusts his crown.

Because his brother never would’ve let me choose. But I don’t say that. I just shrug. “How about after?” All I want is a nap after what he just put me through.

“Perfect. And I know your mother will be thrilled to see you too.”

We make small talk until the bell rings, then part ways. After my last class, I bolt to the suite and fall asleep as soon as I make contact with the pillow.

“You coming to dinner?” Halen’s voice wakes me from a deep sleep.

I roll over and rub my eyes. “It’s time already?”

“Yep.” She plops onto the bed. “Better brush out those tangles.”

“Do I have to?” I pull the pillow over my face. Sleep sounds so much better than dinner.

She yanks it from my grasp. “You don’t want Bash seeing you like this, do you?”

I push through my sleepiness and get up. The mirror reveals my hair sticking out in every direction. “Did Queen Sirena have bad hair days?”