Ten minutes later, we’re entering the dining hall.

Bash glances up from his seat and melts me with his eyes. I turn to Halen. “Mind if I sit with Bash this time?”

“Not at all. Go get him, tiger fish.” She nudges me toward him and swims away.

Before I reach him, he leaps up and wraps his arms around me, squeezing tightly. I take in the warmth of his embrace and his rugged scent. If only I could stay here for all time and not have to deal with anything else. Unfortunately, he pulls away all too soon. But he does hold out a chair for me.

I take the seat and greet the rest of the band. Rudder throws me a curious look, clearly wanting to know how the timing spell worked with the cloaking one. I give him a nod. My mission may have been less than successful, but the spells did what they were supposed to.

Bash sits and offers me a donut. I take it, eager for the sugar fix after everything I’ve been through, and scarf it down while everyone else discusses an upcoming concert.

“You going to join us?” Bahari asks me.

I swallow my food. “And put half the audience to sleep? Pass.”

He frowns. “You and Bash sound so good together. There has to be away around that siren thing.”

And the queen thing, and the trials thing, and the sparring thing, and nearly every thing else in my life. I shrug. “If I find anything, you guys’ll be the first to know.”

All too soon, the meal ends. Nobody mentions the dance during announcements.

Bash helps me up. “Everything okay? You seem quiet today.”

“I’ll have to fill you in later—if I can find any time.”

“I can go with you to your first class.”

I shake my head. “I don’t want you being late for yours.”

“Tell me fast.” He takes my hand and pulls me out into the hall. “What’s bothering you?”

“You know that queen book we found?”

“Up near” —he lowers his voice— “the weapons room?”

“Exactly. I went back and the book is gone.”

His brows knit together. “Are you sure about that? It didn’t just get moved?”

“I looked.”

“We should try again.”

I rake my hands through my hair. “You’re going to have to ask a fourth-year, because I promised Rudder no more spells. We’re putting him at risk.”

“You’re right.” He brushes his lips across mine. “We’d better get to our classes if we’re serious about not being late.”

“One more thing.”

He cocks a brow and does that eye thing of his.

My stomach somersaults. “Um, there’s another secret library I want to check out. You want to go with me this afternoon if I can fit it in between all my sparring practices?”

Bash squeezes my hand. “Let’s talk at lunch.”

We part ways, and I barely make it to my weapons class in time. The bell rings just as I go through the door. Mr. Brant throws me the most annoyed glance but says nothing. I sit on the ground, giving plenty of space between me and the other students. He gives some sparring tips then tells us to pair off.

Before I’m picked last, he makes eye contact with me. “We’ll partner up today, Ayers.”