Chapter 10
Imake my way to the library. It’s such a relief not having to deal with anyone since they can’t see me. Too bad I can’t be invisible all the time.
The door to the private library is closed. My breath hitches. Why did I agree to have Rudder add the timer? I could be waiting an hour before anyone enters or exits.
Conversation sounds down the hallway. I press myself against the wall. Could I be in luck?
Earwyn and her dogfish make their way over.
I’m definitely not in luck. But maybe they’re going in.
They come right up to me, whispering to each other. I’m close enough they could hear me breathe. If I move, they might notice, even if they can’t see me. I hold my breath and wait.
“Can you believe Tiberias wants to turn her into Queen Sirena?” Earwyn rolls her eyes. “I think that whole family is crazy.”
Vanya’s eyes widen. “You can’t talk about the king that way.”
“Why not? I’ve yet to get in trouble for talking to his daughter how I want.”
Cove sighs. “I wish I was his daughter. Did you see that dress she was wearing? Seriously the most gorgeous one I’ve ever seen.”
Earwyn scowls. “Don’t let her hear you say that. It’ll go straight to her head.”
I bite my tongue to keep myself from giving her a sharp comeback.
Vanya glances at the library door. “Let’s just get inside. I need to get back to the room and start my nightly beauty routine.”
“Whatever.” Earwyn throws her an expression like she’s put out, then she turns to Cove. “Marra’s dress might’ve been nice, but did you see that smug look on her face? She totally thinks she’s better than everyone else. I’d love to personally wipe that right off.”
If only she had feet, I’d trip her right now. I picture her friends laughing at her, and I snicker.
I realize my mistake and cover my mouth.
Earwyn whips around, glancing all over. “What was that?”
“What?” Cove asks.
“I heard someone laughing.”
“Now you’re hearing things?” Vanya laughs.
Earwyn glares at her. “Don’t make fun of me. I heard it.”
“Sure, okay. Whatever.” Vanya looks around. “Nobody’s here, in case you didn’t notice.”
Cove giggles.
Earwyn’s face reddens. “I’m not imagining anything! Come on.” She hurries toward the door.
That was fun even though I didn’t get to trip her.
I follow, leaving only a little space between us. Once they go inside, I slip my hand in the space between the door and the wall and watch them through the crack until they’re out of my line of vision. I look behind me then inside the library, slowly opening the door. After I slide inside, I hurry over to the section where the book is and check the time. I’ve already wasted half an hour, but with any luck, I’ll find what I’m looking for right away and make my escape with plenty of time to spare.
I scan the shelf but don’t see the book immediately. Actually, I don’t see it at all. I run my fingertip along the spines and study the titles carefully. Am I misremembering the title? Picturing the wrong color? Where have I gone wrong?
Just to make sure nobody moved it to the wrong spot, I scan more of the shelf. Look higher, lower, to the right and to the left.
It still isn’t in sight. It wouldn’t have gotten checked out, would it? I try to remember if I heard anything about the books needing to stay in the library. I’m not sure.