Chapter 6

Halen sets her fork down and looks me in the eyes. “Are you okay?”

I’m anything other than okay, but I can’t talk about that in the middle of a meal surrounded by all the students in the academy.


I move my fork around the plate. “Let’s talk later.”

“Right after the meal?”

“Sure.” I turn my head just enough to be able to see the band at the end of the table. Bash is turned toward them, so I can’t see anything other than the back of his head. If only I could see his face, I could gage how he’s feeling. Does he want to work through things or break up with me?

Tears blur my vision. I realize Halen’s speaking, so I turn back to her. She’s talking with Lumen, which is a relief. I don’t think I can pull myself together enough to hold down a conversation. There isn't anything I want to talk about anyway. Not my parents, not Bash, not the fact that I’ve angered Earwyn again. When she and her friends arrived at the table, they each made a point to glare at me before sitting.

I should talk with Mrs. Middlebrooks about letting me switch out of the weapons class. There’s no reason for me to be in there with all those upper-years. No reason for me to be in the sparring competition, either. Maybe I can talk some sense into her now that my dad is no longer a part of the picture.

Once the announcements are done, I hurry over to her.

She curls her lips in obvious displeasure. “Yes, Marra?”

“Can I talk with you in your office, please?”

“I usually schedule meetings.”

“Since when?”

She throws her head back. “Fine. Make it quick.”

I follow her to her office. As I pass Halen, she gives me a questioning glance. I mouth to her, “I’ll meet you in the suite.”


When we get to the office, Middlebrooks unlocks it and motions for me to go in and sit, her face twisted into a scowl. “What’s so important that it couldn’t wait?”

I sit. “I want to be in a weapons class with other first-years.”

She sits and yawns. “Good for you.”

“Why am I with the upper-years?”

She sighs dramatically. “Because that’s where you are. All the classes are filled, and there’s nothing I can do. If that’s all you wanted, you can leave.”

“You can’t do anything, or you won’t?”

Middlebrooks taps her desk with her long nails. “Is there anything else you need?”

“I want to be in a new class.”


“Because it makes no sense that I’m there! I should be in remedial weapons, just like I was in remedial magic—because I don’t know anything about that stuff. They don’t teach it to human students on land!”

She leans forward and holds my gaze. “Listen up, and listen good because I’m only saying this once. You are no longer the king’s daughter, so you don’t get special privileges. Don’t ask for any again. Your classes are sticking.”


“If you wanted special consideration, you shouldn’t have killed the king. You’re lucky you aren't in prison or worse.”