He flinches. “The truth could’ve gotten your mother killed.”

“What? Why?”

“How do you think my brother would have reacted to such news if he found out?”

“Surely he wouldn’t have killed her over it!”

Tiberias just arches a brow.

“He’s a hypocrite! He got engaged while still married to Mom. He’d have had no leg to stand on in that argument.”

“Yes, he was full of double standards. But given the royal decrees of Valora, he’d have the right to have her executed.”

“That’s so backward!” My hands glow green and spark with the electricity.

Tiberias glances down but doesn’t say anything about it. He looks back up at me. “We’re running out of time for now, but I have an idea. Tomorrow, I’ll bring Emery with me, and we’ll answer whatever questions you bring us.”

“My homework is to make a list of questions?”


“That should be easy enough.”

He nods. “But after that, we’ll need to focus on the power. If you aren’t taking your magic classes, you do need to work on this.”


Tiberias gets up and wraps his arms around me. “I really am sorry for the way everything has worked out. If I could go back in time, there’s so much I’d change. I’ve done wrong by both you and your mother. I do hope you can forgive me and that we’ll finally be able to be the family we were meant to be.”

I just nod. I should wrap my arms around him but I can’t bring myself to.

The bell rings, and I back up. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

He holds my gaze, seeming to want to say more. “We’ll both be here.”

I grab my bag. “Okay, bye.” Then I race out of the room.

And nearly crash into my boyfriend. I stop just in time.

Bash gives me a double-take. “Marra? What are you doing down this hall?”

I readjust my bag. “I could ask you the same thing.”

He frowns, the intensity of his eyes boring into me.

“Look, I know I’m the last person you want to see right now, so I’ll get out of your hair. I’m going to be late for my next class, anyway.”

“We need to talk.” His expression is so rigid, it makes my stomach twist.

“I can’t be late the first day.” I dig into my bag to check my schedule. “My next class is clear across the building. Gotta bolt.”

He opens his mouth, but I hurry away. I can’t deal with anything else, and if Bash has decided we’re through, that news is going to have to wait.

I can’t take any more changes in my life—especially not something like that. I need him now more than ever, but I’ve pushed him away. Possibly forever.