
Want me to zap her dead?


Everyone turns and stares at me. Earwyn looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. I probably have. Any sane person would’ve said yes.

So, you want me to?

I shake my head no.

Earwyn holds up her blade and rushes at me, her eyes full of fury. I block the move, and my trident sparks. She swings at me around the side. I block that move too.

Mr. Brant blows his whistle. “I haven’t called for you to begin!”

Earwyn swings at me again. I move out of the way and aim my weapon at her. It heats up even more.

I can still zap her. Don’t have to kill her.

“Let me do this.” I lunge for her, slam into her, and pin her against the wall, holding the trident with all my strength. She struggles then swipes her blade against me, cutting my arm. I cry out and back up, covering my wound. My trident glows and tiny bolts of lightning spark from the tips. They band together and something tells me they’re going straight for my opponent. I pull the weapon to the side just before they do, and the electricity misses her head by an inch.

The whistle blows again. “Both of you—put your weapons away and go to the dean’s office. Now!”

Earwyn glares at me.

I glower right back at her.

We return our weapons to the cabinets, gather our bags, and head out into the hall.

She shoves me. “You’d better watch your back. You just declared war on me, and I don’t care who your uncle is!”