Chapter 19

By the time I get out of the shower, my parents are gone, having only left a note for me to rest.

Right. Like that’s going to happen. I press my palm on my stomach. No pain. Not even a hint of pain. Probably because I haven’t eaten anything. And I need to keep it that way, or it’ll come back. Both times it happened was after a meal. At least I remember the second time—that’s an improvement.

My stomach growls, but I ignore it. I’m going to have to get used to being hungry because I’m not giving in to the powers.

I sit at my vanity and fix my hair and makeup. My skin is pale, but I ignore that fact and carry on as if nothing’s wrong.

A servant appears from behind me and she bows. “My lady, you’re supposed to rest, are you not?”

I jump. “Why do you people hide all the time?”

“We’re here when you need us. Shall I get you something so you can rest?”

“I’m not going to spar. Just go around the castle. Nothing major. It’ll do me some good.” And maybe I can find a phone to call Bash. I just want to hear his voice.

“A tutor is coming by to help you with the classes you’re missing today.”

I give her a double-take. “Isn’t it still the weekend?”

She shakes her head no. “It’s the first day of the week, your majesty.”

It’s hard to believe I slept that long, but I’d believe just about anything at this point. “Okay. I won’t go far, and it’s not like we’ll have to go over too much. My dad is the one helping with two out of three of my classes.”

It almost makes me wonder why I bother with the academy, but I won’t voice that question. Despite my issues there, I love going there. I get to room with my best friend and see Bash multiple times daily even though we don’t have any classes together.

I need to find a way to get back. Don’t need the other students thinking I get special treatment all the time. If only they knew.

Once I finish getting ready, the servant hurries to my side. “I’ll go with you, my lady.”

“I’ll be fine. I am fine. Just getting some air before hitting the books.”

“Hitting the books?”

“Studying with the tutor. I won’t go far, I promise.”

She frowns.

But she doesn’t insist on going with me.

I give her a reassuring glance. “I’ll be back soon. Just need to stretch my tail.” I smile at myself for not using a phrase from land that nobody down here would understand.

The servant nods, her expression pinched. “Yes, your highness.”

“I won’t be long, and I won’t get myself into any trouble.” I hold up two fingers. “Scout’s honor.”


So much for not using land expressions. “Never mind. I’m just giving you my word.”

“If you say so.” She bows. “I’ll prepare the room for your tutor’s arrival.”

“Thank you.” I make my escape and take a deep breath once out in the hallway. I’m half-tempted to make a break for it and head to the academy, but I doubt I could find my way in the woods without Sally.

I make my way through several corridors, glad to be by myself—though being with Halen or Bash would beat being alone. But that isn’t going to happen while they’re in class and I’m stuck here.

My stomach starts to cramp, so I stop in a sitting room. An elderly lady is already resting in there. I back up. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you.”