I turn over and nearly bump into Mom, who’s sleeping next to me. Dad is snoring in a chair on the other side of her. I’m not sure where Halen and Bash are, but it comforts me that my parents are here. No doubt Drake would have taken off for kingly duties if he was still acting as my father. But my actual dad is here with me, sleeping in an uncomfortable-looking position.

I sit up and try not to move the bed. Mom doesn’t budge. I hold my breath, slide off the mattress, then head for the bathroom. A wire stuck to my chest prevents me from moving any farther. I yank it off and am free. But as I inch away from the bed, the machine attached to the wire beeps loudly, quickly.

So much for not disturbing anyone.

Mom bolts upright and looks around. “Marra? What are you doing?”

“Going to empty my bladder, if you must know.”

Dad opens his eyes and studies me, while rubbing his eyes. “How are you feeling?”


“That won’t last long.”

“Thanks for the encouragement.” I hurry toward the bathroom.

He blocks my path. “I’m serious. The doctor ran every test available. There isn’t any medical reason for your stomach pain. It can only mean one thing.”

“Because of the Queen Sirena curse.”

“It isn’t a curse.”

“Could’ve fooled me.” I move around him and escape into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. In the mirror, my face is pale and I have dark circles under my eyes. In other words, I look horrible.

I avert my gaze and empty my bladder. There has to be another reason for my stomach issues. Both times the pain attacked, I had just eaten. That could be the cause, even if the doctor doesn’t think so. All I have to do is not eat.

Yeah, that should go over well. How long can I survive without food?

I brush my hair and wash my face. Doesn’t help much, but I do look somewhat better. Maybe enough to convince my parents I’m fine.

As soon as I enter my bedroom, my parents both start speaking.

“You need to use the trident,” my dad says.

“Don’t fight this,” Mom pleads.

I sigh. “It was probably just something I ate. I feel great now.”

Mom frowns. “You don’t look great.”

“It’s probably from whatever the doctor injected into me.”

Dad pulls out an old book. “Queen Sirena got sick when she tried to avoid her powers. It’s right here. She nearly died.” He shoves the book in my face, pointing to a paragraph halfway down the right page.

I take it from him and read the section slowly. If the script is to be believed, the legendary queen went through the same thing I’m dealing with right now. I hand the book back to Dad. “Why are there so many similarities between her and me?”

“You’re destined to rule the oceans like she did.”

I draw a long, slow breath. “What if I don’t want to?”

He glances at my stomach. “I think you know the answer to that.”

“I won’t eat. Then my stomach won’t bother me. Problem solved.”

Mom gasps. “You think not eating will fix this? How long will that last?”

“Until my intestines heal from whatever’s going on.”