Chapter 2
Bash parks his bike by a bunch of other ones and removes his helmet before helping me off. I hand him mine and shake out my hair, then take in the sight before me. Earwyn’s house is enormous. Obviously, it doesn’t compare to the castle or the academy, but it’s a mansion. Way bigger than the house I lived in on land. The perfectly manicured front yard is bigger than our entire property had been.
“Over the top, isn’t it?” Bash puts our helmets away. “But it does make for good parties.”
“Let’s see.” I hurry toward the building.
Bash takes my hand. “Did I tell you how amazing you look?”
I fight a smile. “Only about five times since we met in the lounge.”
He pulls me close and kisses me deeply. “I haven’t said it enough then.”
When we pull apart, I’m dazed. He whistles.
I have no idea how he whistles underwater. I’ve tried but only manage to blow bubbles.
Halfway to the house, I hear music and laughter from inside. Then glass shattering.
“The party’s already started.” Bash laughs.
I reach for the doorbell, but he opens the door and holds it for me. We enter, and it takes my ears a few moments to adjust to the noise. Conversation sounds from not far away. More glass shatters, followed by laughter. It still amazes me that glass can break like that underwater.
“Where do you want to go first?” Bash asks.
“What are the choices?”
“There’s usually something for everyone. A few movies going, dancing all night, some singing, eating, games. That sort of thing.”
“Sounds like you’ve been to a lot of these.”
He shrugs. “Never been one to turn down a good party.”
“Let’s check out the dancing.”
“This way.” He puts his hand around my waist and leads me down the hall, through a living room where people are ignoring a movie on the large screen and laughing about something, then we go down another hall until we come to a huge room where the music is clearly coming from. My first instinct is to cover my ears, but I don’t want to look like an idiot, so I don’t. Bright colorful lights flash over the dancers.
Bash pulls me to the middle and starts dancing. He’s so mouthwatering, I could just watch him and be perfectly happy. But I came here to have a good time, and that’s what I intend to do. So I join him and quickly find myself moving to the beat.
Idira makes her way over to me with some guy from the magic arts school. “Glad you made it!”
I can barely hear her over the song.
“Wouldn’t miss it! Too bad Halen can’t be here!”
“Right? But she’s having the time of her life in the Atlantic!”
She moves on with her dance partner, and Bash and I keep going until I’m sure I’ll collapse. “You said there’s food here?”
“Lots of it.” He loops his arm through mine and leads me to a gigantic kitchen. Food lines the counters and three long tables. It’s so much quieter in here, my ears ring.
“You weren’t kidding.” My stomach rumbles, then I grab a sandwich and take a bite.
He picks up a drink and guzzles it down. “Glad you came?”
“Yes!” Especially considering I could be at the castle, worrying about my destiny. Right now, I don’t want to think about anything other than what’s in front of me—and at the moment, that’s Bash.
I scarf down more food, and we talk to others who pass through the kitchen.