“Not yet, but it’s something I’m going to learn. And thankfully, I have my father teaching me now. He either knows things my dad didn’t, or he’s willing to teach me what Dad didn’t want to.”

“So, your power is as effective as the Magic Arts students learn?”


His eyes widen.

I grab his hand. “Come on.”

The same librarian who let me in before is behind the counter. “Back for more?”

“Yes, and this time I brought a friend.”

“Friend?” Bash mumbles.

The corners of my mouth twitch.

“Name?” The librarian scowls at Bash and stares at a tattoo sticking out from his sleeve.

He stares her down. “Sebastian Marlowe.”

She hesitates. “Related to Shane and Coral Marlowe?”

“My aunt and uncle. They raised me.”

“We’ll see about that.” The librarian types quickly on the keyboard, then her frown deepens even more. “Apparently, you’re telling the truth.” She sighs like I’ve asked her to perform the worst task ever. “Follow me.”

Bash lifts a brow, and I just shrug. At least she’s not denying him entrance.

I barely offer her a thanks after she opens the door. We enter the dim area and descend the stairs.

He turns to me. “This place is creepier than the other one.”

“Tell me about it.” Although I don’t mention the even more chilling one in the castle—the one I could never find on my own. I freeze in place.

Bash bumps into me. “Why’d you stop?”

I don’t answer him, too lost in thought. Why hadn’t I put two and two together? The book in the other library had said Queen Sirena had been raised by someone other than her parents, away from them.

Tiberias wanted me to be raised by his brother. It wasn’t that he just allowed it, or because the Valora laws wouldn’t allow me to stay.

This makes it all the more likely he was behind me finding the dad curse books.


I grab Bash’s hand and drag him to the area where I found the other books before.

And they’re gone.

“Would you talk to me?” Bash demands. “What’s going on?”

I gesture toward the bookcase. “The books aren’t here.”

“Let’s look harder. Maybe they moved.”

“And maybe the ones in the other library did too. Right.”

“Humor me.” He leans closer and scans the spines.