“Whenever suits you. If I’m not immediately available, one of the mermen I practice with will be available. They keep me at the top of my game and are the best of the best. Either way, you’ll receive the top training possible.”

“I appreciate it.”

“Anything for you. I’m just glad I can finally treat you like a daughter. It’s been painful holding back my true emotions.” He clears his throat. “Anyway, we’re here to work on the Ayers power. The first thing I want to tackle is using it for good, something I’m sure is a foreign concept given all you know is from Drake.”

“And my own experience,” I say quickly, surprising myself with the defensiveness I feel for the man who raised me. “Mostly that.”

My father nods.

I jolt with the realization that I just thought of him as my father.

He leans closer. “Is something the matter?”

“No. Sorry.”

“Okay. Our power can be a volatile thing, can’t it? However, it’s extremely powerful when used for good.”

“How does that work?”

He leans forward. “Healing, for example. We can use it to heal ourselves and others. And no fancy ancient language is required.”

“Are you referring to my failed fish teeth lesson?”

“Possibly.” He smiles. “I had issues with regular magic, myself. But once your grandfather taught me how to harness our family power, I had access to more spells than the professors of the School of Magic Arts—as a first-year student.”

I give him a double-take. “Seriously?”

“Of course. The Ayers power is far stronger than any magic system.”

“Why is that?”

He shrugs. “Good question. And also not one I have the answer to, not that we need it. All that really matters is learning to harness it.”

“So, we can do things like cloaking spells?”

“What do you need to be invisible for?” He chuckles.

I can hardly tell him I’m searching for a book I don’t want him to know about. “Just curious. A third-year was talking about a spell like that.” Guilt stings me for being dishonest, but I need answers before I tell him about the books or the dad curse. I change the subject. “How much do you know about Queen Sirena?”

He taps the table. “Haven’t we been over this?”

We both know the answer to that. “Yes, but there’s so much more to discuss.”

“That’s true. And I know you’re curious about the trials.”

I nod, though curious isn’t the word I’d use.

“We’ll discuss this at the castle.” He glances at the time. “We need to focus on the Ayers power for classroom time.”

My heart sinks, but at least I won’t have to deal with four practices plus weight training.

After the last class period of the day, Bash and I can head over to the secret library under the public one and see if they still have the Queen Sirena books.